Saw this article this morning about how this photographer uses Memory Cards. I was pleased to see that most of what he does I do anyway. For me it makes good sense but perhaps for others, it’s still something to learn, so I thought I’d share it with you. A Guest Post on Memory Cards…
An oak from an acorn grows…
No doubt you’ve seen images similar to this one before. They’re popular in stock agencies, for use in magazines, business coaching websites and so on. So I had to do a shot or two of my own. With thanks for my daughter who is the model.
The Road to Kallista
Once a week I go visit our eldest daughter and our grandson and the scenery along the way is really beautiful. In one place I kept promising myself that one day I would pull over and take shots from the road. It is such a peaceful feeling driving along here, even when there is some…
Sunset from Selby
The following day I decided to do a sunset and was heading off up the hill towards Kallista when I discovererd a spot on our road where you could see between the trees and two properties towards the sunset. So I drove the car back home, then walked up the hill and waited for the…
Another Sunrise at Kallista
This is the following morning – the sky quite different but the location/view pretty much the same.
Sunrise at Kallista
For a few weeks now I’ve been eyeing off the sunrises in the morning as I take my husband to the train station, wondering where I could go to get a clear view of them. The trip is surrounded by tall trees and hills and I only see glimpses, but then I remember a lookout…
Double Delight
Both visually and the scent, this rose is indeed a double delight. The rose bush is a prolific flowerer, if there is such a word 🙂 Taken with my 70-300mm lens, I love the depth of field (DOF) this lens provides when taking photos.
Caterpillar eating leaf
Sometimes you have to go out with a view to looking for small things. And they’re not always obvious at first. The first one is a caterpillar eating a tomato leaf – I didn’t see it till I sprayed my plants because of another bug I’d seen and then this one showed up. The other…
Fresh fruit for the picking!
On our property we have blackberries growing wild and they’re ready for picking! So are the strawberries and nectarines. It won’t be long before the Figs and Fujeoas are ready too! Anyway, I managed to salvage a cup full of blackberries to make muffins – hubby and his mate were happily diving into the basket!
Cocoa the bunny
My daughter has been telling me for weeks about this rabbit that visits her garden and has young ones. I’d not seen it till now. We came back to her home from shopping and there was the rabbit out in the street, enjoying a neighbour’s lawn. Pretty rabbit and quite big.
Superior Fairy-wren (female)
Busy watching me, this wren didn’t take off as quickly as most.
Eastern spinebill close up
I was pleasantly surprised when walking through some bushes I chanced upon a spinebill quite close up. Pity the leaf was in the way but I still caught its eye before it flew off.