I’ve been to Lysterfield Lake a few times in the past week. Now that my husband is home recovering from his accident and settling into daily life, working at home, having physio, etc, I can actually plan time to go out walking regularly again. I was missing it and the body weight is showing it…
Highrise Apartment for birds
I noticed this tree as I was walking up a hilly path, towards the 1000 Steps in Upper Ferntree Gully. There were a lot of small birds flying around and I got a few shots of some but it was a dark area and light wasn’t good. However, I spied this tree and imagined that…
The dawn is breaking
Went for an early morning walk a couple of days ago. We’ve had unusually mild and warm weather in what is usually a very wintery month. So I took advantage of being out when the dawn was breaking. I loved the combination of the trees in silhouette and the changing sky.
Gang-Gang Cockatoos
A couple of days ago my neighbour rang to say ‘get outside quick and take your camera!’. Out in the gum trees near our fenceline was a couple of Gang-gang Cockatoos and in other trees were their young family. The kiddies flew away as I approached but the parents remained long enough for me to…
Superb Lyrebird
I’ve been trying to get a shot of one of these for over a year now. The best I got was a distant shot a couple of months ago when I saw one on a path many metres away from me. But today, as I walked back down the pathway to 1000 steps in Upper…
Flock of Pelicans
While I was at Lysterfield Lake Park I saw a flock of pelicans fly from behind a tree and high up into the air.
Cyclocross, Melburn
Such a beautiful day yesterday (Sunday) here in Melbourne and the first round of the Melburn Cyclocross was on at Lysterfield Lake Park. My husband and I went to spend some of the afternoon there to watch the bike race and for me to get my hand back in at some action photography. I miss…
1,000 steps, Ferntree Gully
At Ferntree Gully there’s a park with the 1,000 steps that people use to train on. It is often used by people planning to go to the Kokoda Trail. Once you park your car there is a good 800 metres or so to walk uphill before even getting to the base of the steps. And…
Winter daisies
There are quite a few flowers starting to show now. The daisies are out, and the camelias. We’ve got bulbs springing up all over our property. These are always a surprise as we didn’t plant most of them. I’ll share them with you as they flower over time. Below are yellow daisies and a white…
Crimson Rosella
One of the great things about having all these parks and grounds nearby is that I can always be sure of getting a shot of something. I visited Grant’s Picnic Grounds briefly on Friday last and got some close ups of different birds. This is a Crimson Rosella. This image is available for purchase at…
The Launching Place
This is the boat ramp at Lysterfield Lake Park. Might not ordinarily be an exciting image but I liked the still lake and mist with the reflection in the image. There was a canoeist on the lake while I was there but on other days there have been small sail boats, paddle boats and other…
White faced Heron
I’m determined to get closer to this bird but it will take some time. I missed an opportunity on Saturday when I came across it suddenly – I hadn’t expect it, and neither had the bird. He took off before I could get some good close ups, and thought I’d missed my chance altogether. But…