The flowers are starting to show abundantly in our garden now, with the mix of Spring rains and sunshine. The garden looked drab throughout winter but has sprung to life again and has lots of colour. This is just a small selection – a beautifully rich dark purple Iris and white Lilies.
Kookaburra on the washing line
Our washing line provides a perfect spot for Kookaburras to watch for worms in our lawn. This one was busy doing his preening when he spied a worm and flew down to grab it. This photo was taken from our back verandah. The Kookaburra knew I was there and threw me an occasional glance.
A visit to the city
I was attending a business networking event in the City of Melbourne last week. When I’m not taking photos I’m actually working as a Virtual Assistant – a role I enjoy, but I must admit, my camera calls to me every day and there are some days I’d rather be outside all day, and not…
As the sun rises
I love watching the sun rise from my office window. This was the view one morning last week.
New joeys
Recently I was fortunate to get two pictures of fairly new joeys. While they weren’t newborns, they certainly didn’t have their fur yet and the pink tones of their skin were showing on their heads as they peeped out of their mother’s pouches. From what I can gather they are only a few months old,…
Crimson Rosellas
These two were enjoying the grevillea in our garden recently. The adults are a vibrant red and blue but the juveniles have this patchwork of green, blue and red.
Australian King Parrots in my garden
I love watching the birdlife in our garden and consider my husband and I to be very blessed indeed. We live in such a beautiful part of Australia. The Australian King Parrot is a large parrot and the male have a completely red head and the female completely green. Both have red tummies and green…
Big man grey
When I’m walking around Lysterfield Lake Park early in the mornings the wildlife don’t take off so fast and tend to just sit and watch as you pass by. This boy is a very big Eastern Grey kangaroo. Check out his chest and shoulder muscles. If he had stood upright he would have towered over…
Ducks at the park
At Lysterfield Lake there seems to be at least two different types of ducks living there. One of those types loves sleeping in the trees. You can walk around and hear quacking above your head. This was one I saw recently while walking around the park. This is the Australian Wood Duck and apparently only…
White faced heron
Regular readers will know that I’ve been trying to get closer shots of the white-faced heron at Lysterfield Lake Park. While my sister-in-law and her husband were visiting recently, I took her down to the park to see first hand the beautiful place I love to roam regularly. Imagine my surprise to see the heron…
Kallista Market
Happy Father’s Day to all those dads in Australia! Welcome to all my new subscribers whom I met at the Kallista Market yesterday. Although a somewhat windy day, it was still very nice and I was delighted to meet so many locals, and a few not so locals too. The interest in my photography was…
Let me in mummy!
There’s been an abundance of kangaroos and joeys at the park nearby. They are so cute to see. Every now and then I see a joey that hasn’t yet grown its fur. This one is older and has its fur and still hops into the pouch for safety. I guess a photographer with camera in…