I don’t know the official names of the tulips, but if you do, please share that in the comments. In the meantime, I’ll let you enjoy their beauty.
Christmas cards available
I’ve been working on a series of Christmas cards that reflect the region in which I live. They’ll soon be available for order and will also be on show for sale at this coming week’s Kallista Market.
Tulip Festival
During the week I took off to the annual Tulip Festival held in the Dandenong Ranges at Tesselaar’s property. I’ll be sharing a few images with you over the next few days.
Hover Fly and Daisy
Our daisies are now in full flower, and along with the Spring flowers and rains, the insects have come out to work as well. I find the Hoverfly most fascinating to watch and they have a very shiny body. This one didn’t seem to mind my getting reasonably close, although I really should have had…
I’ve been awarded!
This blog has been given a new look and a new domain and it’s nice that it’s been recognised. Thanks to Cate at http://cateartios.blogspot.com/. Please make sure you drop by her site. I don’t usually do posts at this blog like this one but have made an exception and I invite you to visit their…
Masked Lapwing Plover and Chick
My husband and I were visiting our daughter and grandson in Monbulk last week and the street carpark was full so we went around to the back of the shops to park. I knew from past visits with our daughter that a pair of Masked Lapwing Plovers lived on the grass at the back of…
Barking Owl
When I last went to Healesville they had a Barn Owl out and I was hoping to see it again. But instead they had the Barking Owl which I’d not seen before. Striking eyes don’t you think? This is apparently a medium sized hawk owl and are primarily nocturnal but can be seen out during…
Pretty Cockatoo
This is the Major Mitchell Cockatoo. I hadn’t seen one before visiting Healesville Sanctuary sometime ago. But my husband Graham tells me he remembers seeing them in South Australia where we used to live over 20 years ago. Anyway, here it is in flight and in its favourite perching place – a hollowed out tree…
Black Breasted Buzzard
Did you like the shot from yesterday? Here are a couple more of this bird. Apparently they are the only bird that uses rocks to crack open Emu eggs. It was demonstrated during the bird flight show. Pretty amazing.
Black Breasted Buzzard
I visited the “Spirits of the Sky” Flight Show at Healesville Sanctuary on Saturday and managed to get some shots of some amazing birds. This is a Black Breasted Buzzard, which had just been given something to eat. Note its amazing wingspan. It flew right over our heads and delighted the crowd.
Mission Aviation Discovery (M.A.D.) Day II
There were joy flights on the day but the weather delayed some of the flights. Below a helicopter and a fixed wing airplane take passengers up for some fun. Where else would I get the opportunity for some close ups of flights in action? I would love the opportunity to go up in a helicopter…
Mission Aviation Discovery (M.A.D) Day
Last weekend my husband and I assisted our local Christian radio station by helping with their barbeque at the local M.A.D. Day event at Coldstream Airport. I had put us down to assist on this day as I know my husband loves planes. I was hoping to get shots of the aerobatic display but unfortunately…