My husband and I had gone away for the weekend and, on returning home through Melbourne, it got me wondering if there was any one iconic cityscape image of Melbourne. I know there are individual images of Melbourne icons, like the Flinders Street Station, for example. But is there an iconic Melbourne cityscape image? I…
Royal Spoonbill
When I was visiting Lysterfield Lake just over a week ago, to view the sunset there, I got a surprise in seeing a Royal Spoonbill there on the shore. I had thought I’d seen one in the distance on the other side of the lake a couple of weeks before, but I couldn’t be sure….
Winter flowers
With winter upon us, the garden was looking drab there for a bit. We had to clear up a lot of dead and wet leaves on the pathways and driveway, but now they’ve been cleared up, the garden is looking more defined, and as we’ve really begun looking at the garden again, we can see…
The Puffing Billy
Some of you will know that I live not far from the Puffing Billy line. I love to go watch the train. My husband is a steam train enthusiast and while he admires their engineering and structure, and even the smell, I get to enjoy the visual from the rising steam and the train in…
A sunny winters day
Before I begin this post, I must apologise as it seems the new feed I’d set up for this blog had been paused, and wasn’t delivering. So, you would have missed a number of posts, and in particular, the most recent one about the recent Super Moon – my first real efforts at taking photos…
Super moon
If you’re in Australia you will have heard about the Super moon. I’m sure it’s probably been talked about elsewhere too. I am fortunate in that the state and area I live in had a very clear weekend and both Saturday and Sunday night were perfect conditions for taking photos of a full moon –…
Last of the Autumn colours
Winter has set in here in Victoria, Australia, and we’re experiencing cold days and nights, and rain, with a bit of sunshine here and there. Our first week of June had the equivalent of the average month of June’s rain. So will be interesting to see what pans out for the rest of the month. …
An Introduction to Bird Photography
Since taking up photography much more seriously over the past 4 years, I’ve found that bird photography is the most challenging… and the most satisfying. Getting close enough for that one-of-a-kind shot or hoping you’ll see that bird again to do better next time. I find my bush walks so much more interesting these days…
Do you receive my posts by email?
I’ve been updating the site, as you might be aware, and changing some of my systems. I’ve been going through a real learning curve with the new theme (courtesy of StudioPress Themes) and using the mail service at MailChimp so that I have all my blog and newsletter services in the one place, rather than…
Kangaroos at Lysterfield Lake Park
I went for a walk on Saturday with my husband around the lake at the park. It’s a total of 5.5km and was a lovely surprise as I wasn’t sure if he’d be up to it. It was a cold but sunny and clear winter’s day – just great for walking in the sunlight. Saw…
New look to the site
I’m currently updating the look of this site with a new theme – one that is proving to be a bit challenging at the moment, but I’ve got it more than halfway there, so determined to persevere. I hope you like the new look, once it’s finished.
Sunrise at Birdsland Reserve
I’m trying to make sure I get exercise every day and a good way to do that is to go for a walk at the local reserve that has a lake. It’s just over 5km round walk from the outer carpark. The morning looked promising and I thought I’d get there before the sun reached…