Before I begin this post, I must apologise as it seems the new feed I’d set up for this blog had been paused, and wasn’t delivering. So, you would have missed a number of posts, and in particular, the most recent one about the recent Super Moon – my first real efforts at taking photos…
Author: Kathie Thomas
Last of the Autumn colours
Winter has set in here in Victoria, Australia, and we’re experiencing cold days and nights, and rain, with a bit of sunshine here and there. Our first week of June had the equivalent of the average month of June’s rain. So will be interesting to see what pans out for the rest of the month. …
An Introduction to Bird Photography
Since taking up photography much more seriously over the past 4 years, I’ve found that bird photography is the most challenging… and the most satisfying. Getting close enough for that one-of-a-kind shot or hoping you’ll see that bird again to do better next time. I find my bush walks so much more interesting these days…
Do you receive my posts by email?
I’ve been updating the site, as you might be aware, and changing some of my systems. I’ve been going through a real learning curve with the new theme (courtesy of StudioPress Themes) and using the mail service at MailChimp so that I have all my blog and newsletter services in the one place, rather than…
Kangaroos at Lysterfield Lake Park
I went for a walk on Saturday with my husband around the lake at the park. It’s a total of 5.5km and was a lovely surprise as I wasn’t sure if he’d be up to it. It was a cold but sunny and clear winter’s day – just great for walking in the sunlight. Saw…
New look to the site
I’m currently updating the look of this site with a new theme – one that is proving to be a bit challenging at the moment, but I’ve got it more than halfway there, so determined to persevere. I hope you like the new look, once it’s finished.
Sunrise at Birdsland Reserve
I’m trying to make sure I get exercise every day and a good way to do that is to go for a walk at the local reserve that has a lake. It’s just over 5km round walk from the outer carpark. The morning looked promising and I thought I’d get there before the sun reached…
More images of the Pelicans
Was delighted that they were there again yesterday morning at Birdsland Reserve. And they were happy to pose for me too. But I suspect they got tired of it quickly 🙂
Steve Parish workshop in Northern Territory
If you’re in the Northern Territory, or can get there, you’re in for a treat! Steve Parish will be presenting there in July, with a one day workshop, a 5 day photography adventure at Kakadu National Park and a free evening hearing him talk about his 50 years of photography. I’m sure you’ve heard of…
The two pelicans
Thought I’d share with you more shots I took the other day when I saw the two pelicans at Birdsland Reserve. They seemed to just glide through the water with very little movement – you could hardly tell they were moving for quite some time. I was on the other side of the lake when…
Updates at Flickr has updated its system and is now offering Pro members unlimited space for uploading their full resolution images. Love that they’re giving us extra space – I’ll certainly use it as I have over 8,000 images uploaded there now. However, I doubt, very much, that I will upload full resolution images there as they’re…
A Tale of Two Pelicans
While at Birdsland Reserve earlier this week I saw, for the first time, two very large Pelicans gliding through the water. Absolutely gorgeous to watch. And then when they got to one section, one hopped up on a dead branch but the other pecked its tail to get it to move. The first jumped down…