No, we don’t have Brolgas in the Dandenong Ranges but this was so special, I wanted to share it with you all. I regularly go visit the Western Treatment Plant at Point Wilson, going once a month. It’s a good 200km round trip from where I live to there and back and I usually stay…
Tag: Australian birdlife
Ethical Birding
As regular readers will know here, I’m a very keen birder. Have been for several years now, and feel blessed with all the amazing bird life we have on our property in the Dandenong Ranges as well as all the local parks and gardens near here. I’ve documented over 70 species of birds I’ve seen…
My Kookaburra Friend
We have 3 kookaburras living on our property here in the Dandenong Ranges, and several others that visit from time to time, causing a chorus of calls to take place, at different times of the day. One of the kookaburras is very used to me wandering around our garden, with camera in hand, and rarely…
Crescent Honeyeater
Recently I’ve discovered some ‘new’ birds in my garden at home. I don’t know if they’ve always been visiting or whether it’s a new occurence. I am a lot more aware of different birds here and was delighted to see these ‘newcomers’, the Crescent Honeyeater. They are a native to eastern Australia. Quite a cute…
Blue faced honeyeater
It never ceases to amaze me the varieties, colours and styles of birdlife that there is. And here in Australia, we certainly have an abundance of them. I love discovering ‘new’ ones and getting shots of them. My normal approach is to get a shot, even if distant, just so I can say I’ve taken…
Whistling Kites
I’ve noticed a few different birds at the lake of recent times. Birds I’d not noticed before. I don’t know if it’s a seasonal thing or because of the extended dry period we’ve had, or if it’s because I’m noticing things more. At any rate, I was delighted to see these two birds slowly circling…
Visit to Lilydale Lake
I went to Lilydale Lake the other day and had a wander around the lake. Had a huge white bird fly over my head from behind me. Wish I knew it was coming otherwise I would have been ready to take shots but I didn’t. 🙁 Was looking the other way. Below is a Darter…
Rainbow Lorikeets
The first thing I noticed when I entered the zoo pathway was the sound of excitable lorikeets and how they were flying from tree to tree. The lorikeet is a species of parrot here in Australia and very colourful. They love fruit and nectar and can be seen in flowering gum trees and fruit trees…
Superb Fairy-wrens at Lysterfield Park
I was fortunate to get quite close to a couple of wrens at the park. This hasn’t been my usual experience so I was quite excited about it. The first is a female who was on the ground calling. Love their sweet sound. The second is an immature male who flew into a tree as…
Close up of a Crimson Rosella
The birds are getting used to seeing me at my dining room window watching them. The feeder is only a few feet away and I love to watch them as they’re feeding and walking over the limbs of the large liquidamber tree. Just yesterday, when working in the garden a couple of Rosellas sat in…
Sulphur Crested Cockatoos
I believe these are beautiful birds. Many locals feel they are raucous, messy, annoying and a pest. And yes, they can be in large flocks. A local park has a feeding ground for them where visitors and tourists can experience the birds up close, feeding them by hand and having them alight on their shoulders…
Pied Currawong
These birds have been making quite a lot of noise recently in our area. Kind of a sad calling sound, calling to one another across the hills, almost echoing. The noise is unmistakeable but not annoying. They watch me as I walk around the garden and often follow me from tree to tree. You can…