My new home is now only minutes away from the home of the Puffing Billy train, which travels from Belgrave to Gembrook and back on a daily basis. I love hearing the whistle blow every day as it makes its journey several times a day. And yet, it was only last week for the first…
New pet
Well, would be nice if he was. Doesn’t he look gorgeous? Almost cuddly. Seen at the Melbourne zoo.
A year today
It’s a year today that I started writing this particular blog. I did have a photoblog at Blogger but decided to get more serious with it and set one up on my own server using WordPress. It’s gone through many looks since those days and I’ve improved with my photography as well. I’d love you…
It almost looks like their heads are touching. It was preening time at the zoo.
I went for a visit to the Melbourne Zoo for an hour and got some pics of pelicans and other birds and animals.
Bella Donna Lily
These are sprouting all over our garden at the moment.
The kookaburras are back
Now it’s a bit cooler and we’ve had some rain too, the kookaburras have returned to our property. I missed seeing them every day.
Toki had climbed the willow tree and was simply observing his surroundings.
Purple Hibiscus
This has been in flower for some weeks now and looks gorgeous when the sun is on it.
Blue banded bee
This bee is interesting to watch. It apparently lives alone. I’ve gotten to know its buzz now from other bees. I wonder if the motor on my autofocus alerts it to my presence or whether its big eyes just takes everything in, even when it’s flitting from flower to flower. Note the pollen on its…
Seagulls in flight
Some seemed to covet what others had.
Seagulls in flight
After landing with the plastic