For the past month or more now, the cockies (Cockatoos) have been in our Liquidamber tree which towers above the office roof of our house. They like to chew the nuts or whatever it is the trees are producing. All day long, during daylight, there is this constant banging as they drop their castoffs below…
Insects on our trip
When at Mengler’s Hill in South Australia I spotted this Monarch Butterfly (sometimes referred to as The Wanderer as well) and followed it around. And there were these amazingly huge Orb spiders in many gardens and parks as well.
Photography Glossary
I mentioned Australian Photography Magazine a couple of weeks ago. They have launched a new website with competitions, events, exhibitions and lots of other things listed. On it is a very useful glossary on photography that I thought you might find useful. It also mentions some famous photographers, both present and in the past. …
The reason for my absence
I’ve missed a couple of days. I had preposted up to that point but didn’t get time to do more posts. Almost two weeks ago my husband had a serious mountain biking accident that required the SES and Ambos to trek a good half kilometre or so into bushland to retrieve him in a stretcher…
More at Alfred Nicholas Gardens
The first is of the Boathouse on the lake – probably one of the most photographed buildings in the Dandenong Ranges. The other is of my husband enjoying the scenery. He’d not been to these gardens before. Just 24 hours later he was involved in a serious mtb accident and is now in hospital recuperating….
The essence of Autumn
I love the colours in this shot. Such a display of what Autumn is about – colour and mess! Here at home our own trees are changing colour and look beautiful but on the ground there is such a mess to clean up! This photo was taken at the Alfred Nicholas gardens and not long…
A visit to Alfred Nicholas Gardens
On Anzac Day my husband and I visited a number of scenic spots in the beautiful Dandenong National Ranges. One of those places was the Alfred Nicholas Gardens just as the sun was rising over the hill – around 8.30 in the morning. So I thought you might like to see the beauty of the…
Photography isn't just about taking photos
At least it isn’t for me. It was to start with but somewhere along the line I discovered other things. Recently at the Australian Photography Forum we were discussing a photo that one of the members had taken of a blue banded bee. I was able to identify the bee and give some information about…
As the sun rises
We drove home through the country, rather than through Adelaide, and saw fog as the sun was rising. Shortly after it cleared as we neared Palmer and we stopped at a lookout to get this view. It’s a long trip between our home and where we stayed – 870kms and 10.5 hours of driving, but…
Monarch and friend
While we were wandering around on Mengler’s Hill in South Australia my husband and I spied a rather large Wanderer or Monarch Butterfly. So I followed it around and got a few shots, only to find this one had a companion in it, once I viewed it on the computer screen.
Pizza and wine
The flames in the background is my brother-in-laws pizza oven and the wine in front from the winery across the road from their place. It was a lovely evening. The photo is more grainy than I would have liked but was taken in quite bad light and I didn’t want to use a flash to…
Miner's Dwelling
Seen in Burra these are early Miner’s dwellings in one of the main streets of Burra.