Can you see the steam rising from this sign? And in the background that is frost on the lawn. This leaf and surrounding grass had frost on it as did the whole area. And this is one of my favourites for that morning.
Fresh winter mornings
Another morning, no fog, no wind, bright blue sky but very cold. I had planned to drive to the Silvan Dam, about 15 mins away, as I’ve never been there before and thought perhaps I’d witness steam rising from the dam. When I got there I found I couldn’t actually walk around the dam at…
Crisp winter mornings
Well, winter has arrived here in Victoria, but then you probably already knew that from other comments made over the past month or two. Anyway, we had the most spectacular week last week. Cold but not windy and wet. Made for some awesome mornings as the sun rose. This shot is literally just outside our…
Went to the beach and…
When Graham had walked far enough we went back to the car so he could just sit in the warm and watch people passing by. Sometimes I would sit with him and other times I could hop out the car to get shots of different things. Even just of the waves rolling in.
Went to the beach and…
I saw a group of seagulls flying and swooping and making their usual raucous noise. But every now and then I heard a smaller sound, a kind of ‘cheep’ from birds of the same or similar colour and size. Closer inspection showed it was a different bird. My husband thought it might be a Tern… – they are listening
Further to my two recent posts about concerns that people could use images created by other people for photobooks, I’ve had this answer – they are listening and you can add your voice too! Thank you for your email. At this time, Lulu is not removing this option. However, It is only through customer feedback…
Wrong answer
Many saw my post last week about using other people’s photos when using Print on Demand services. I got comments via my blog as well as at Facebook, Twitter and photography forums I belong to. I had queried and they’ve sent back an answer. In the meantime I’ve discovered other photobook printing services also…
Went to the beach and…
We noticed a flock of pigeons at the beach. Can’t say we’ve ever seen any at the beach before. I often wonder what it is that makes birds take off together in the same direction and turn direction at the same time too. What is the signal they hear, feel or see I wonder?
Went to the beach and…
The sun would peek out occasionally and spotlight different things, in this case the yachts on the horizon.
Went to the beach and…
I took my husband out for a drive and a walk. We’ve walked a bit around the hospital but he was keen to get some fresh air away from there so we went had lunch and then drove down to the foreshore nearby at Elwood. So the next few days of shots will be of…
Majestic Trees at Sherbrooke Forest
I love the majesty of our tall gum trees in the forest. I travel often up Monbulk Road and love to stop at Grant’s Picnic Grounds to walk around the tracks in the rainforest there. These trees are so tall and straight. They’re beautiful don’t you think?
The moon rising
With my husband in hospital I’ve been doing a lot of travelling to and fro and little time for taking photos. But now and then I’ve seen something in my travels that I’ve just had to jump out of the car for. One night, when it wasn’t raining, I could see the moon rising and…