As mentioned in a previous post, it had been a good two months since I visited the park. Largely due to my husband having been in hospital for most of that time. We took advantage of the beautiful winter afternoon last weekend and visited the park. I left him at the kiosk with friends and…
Lysterfield Lake Park late afternoon
I so enjoyed walking around Lysterfield Park again. It had been about 8 weeks since I’d last been there and I really did miss it, especially the gorgeous last Autumn days we had. Alas, I needed to spend my time at the hospital visiting my husband instead. This was his first trip back to the…
Australian King Parrot
These birds usually stay their distance from visitors but seem to be getting more game with tourists at Grant’s. This is a popular place to feed the birds from your hands and have them sit on you. First time I saw one of these birds doing exactly that.
Cheeky Cockies
This first cocky (Sulphur-crested White Cockatoo) pinched a bag of bird feed from an unsuspecting tourist. They’re well practiced at that. I’d been wanting to get shots of a cocky with a raised crest for awhile and managed two at the one time! Both shots taken at Grant’s Picnic Grounds in Kallista, Vic.
Crimson Rosella
This bird was very interested in what I was doing when I visited Grant’s Picnic Ground recently.
Twins baby photoshoot
I was privileged to be allowed to do the official photoshoot for friends of mine recently. Gorgeous babies, born in May so were just 4 weeks old when I took this and many other shots. While I don’t normally do portraits and people shots, I don’t mind doing photos for friends and have also done…
Trestle Bridge, Selby
I pass this bridge every day. I love watching the Puffing Billy train on the bridge, or just walking down below it to watch the bird life and see the creek running.
Winter Flower – Azalea
The Azaleas are now coming out in flower and looking quite pretty.
The Fruit of the Liquidamber
I didn’t know what these would be called. Seems they have lots of names such as “space bug”, “monkey ball”, “bommyknocker”, “bir ball”, “gumball”, “conkleberry”, “cukoo-bir” or “sticky ball” (see Wikipedia) In reality they are fruit and that explains why the birds (parrots in particular) go crazy over them.
The last of the Autumn leaves
They’re almost gone now. Most are on the ground, brown or black, crisp or drowned by the rain. Amongst them all was this red leaf that stood out.
T'was a foggy morning
This is outside our house one foggy morning just after 8am last week. I’ve had a lot of feedback about this image at both Flickr and Facebook. It has an eery surreal look about it. It is currently my favourite shot. This image is now for sale in both low res and high res copies….
Winter Iris
Amongst all the dead autumn leaves and the green leaves of bushes on the ground I spied a bit of purple and went to investigate.