Here, in Australia, it’s also school holidays – the summer period. And so I intend highlighting places to visit in my region for readers, should you be looking for somewhere to visit or something to do. First off, I want to showcase the Puffing Billy steam train. My husband I hear the whistle every day…
Close up to a Kangaroo
If you’re visiting Australia, in particular, Victoria, and would like to get up close to a kangaroo in the wild, then I encourage you to visit Lysterfield Lake Park in the early morning hours. Anytime from sunrise till about 9am you’ll see these beautiful animals grazing in their family groups, by the lawns, carpark, even…
Top 12 photos for 2011
Thought I’d post my fav 12 photos for the year of 2011 that I’ve taken. You can see more of my ‘photos of the day’ at my Flickr account. January February March April May June July August September October November December
Eurasian Coot (Fulica atra)
I used to think these were moor hens but know different these days. I love that my love for nature photography has increased my knowledge, or my hunger for learning, so much more these days. I often get family and friends now asking me what bird is that when we see or hear one when…
Great Crested Grebe (Podiceps cristatus)
I saw a pair of these birds at Lysterfield Lake last month. I didn’t know what they were and had to do some research. I went to get several shots and these were probably the best. Lovely colouring. Details at Birds in Backyards website says: The Great Crested Grebe is a medium to large aquatic…
Large pink flowers
Think these are an azelea but not sure. If you know, please do tell! The flowers look more like a lily but the leaves don’t. Anyway, saw these in a friend’s garden (yes, I need to ask her next time I see her – she’s not online). I loved her garden and would like to…
Yellow-tailed black cockatoo
Isn’t he a cutie? Think he might be young as his feathers look fluffy, He was as interested in me as I was him when I saw him earlier in the month. Their cry is much different to that of other cockatoos. I love hearing them. Not raucous at all.
Find me on Facebook too!
If you’re on Facebook you can also follow me there, as well as receive my blogposts. Feel free to comment on images there, ask questions or even share what you’ve been doing in the world of photography. I have, to date, 380 likers for this page – not far off 400! What number will you…
The sunlit web
I love, when I’m walking around early in the morning, to see how the sunlight catches on things as it rises in the sky. On the day I took this shot I saw this very tangled web being highlighted by the sun. I wonder if the spider revels in the warmth of the sun? Before…
From my family to yours
I hope you have a Merry Christmas and that today is a day filled with love, joy, blessings and many good things. No-one should be alone on a day like today so if you can, reach out to someone you know is alone, or if you are alone, I hope and pray that someone reaches…
White faced Heron surveys lake
Got this shot one day as I walked along the dam wall at Lysterfield Lake. The Heron was busy surveying the water but was very conscious of my presence too.
Insect and flower
I spied this insect in this tiny purple flower a few weeks ago. No idea what it is but like the colour combinations in this shot.