I missed seeing some of the bulbs I’d planted some months ago come out in flower, as I was pretty much stuck inside unless I had assistance from my husband or another person. So I was really glad to find, once I could venture outside, that some of my gladiolis were still flowering. I particularly…
Our new sheep…
have now got names. Molly (mum) and Bella (bub) are their names and they are now letting us get a bit closer to them. I visit them almost daily, as does my husband, and they don’t back off now, but come closer to the fence. Below are some much better shots of them now I…
Rainbow Lorikeet
Thought I’d post some more images from the other night. I don’t usually get so close to these beautifully vibrant coloured birds. They are partial to flowering gums and fruit trees. I sometimes see them in our fig tree when the fruit is ripe, and our neighbour’s flowering gum tree – but always at the…
Look who came to dinner too!
We went to a friend’s place for dinner last night, along with some other friends, and sat on the outside deck enjoying our meal. As we sat there more guests arrived for dinner and I was delighted to get shots of them. In these shots is a Common Bronzewing (quite a large bird) and a…
Nature Blog Carnival Feb 2012
Welcome to the first post for the new Nature Blog Carnival. We have a few entries and I’m sure it will grow as the months go by. Please do visit the sites of each submission and encourage them as well. The list is small but it will grow. There were a couple of others who…
Sunset at Lysterfield
I talked my husband into taking me to Lysterfield Park on Friday evening. I’d been walking a total of two days, with the aid of a crutch, and I was itching to get outside again. He was a bit reluctant but took me anyway, and watched over me very carefully as I made my way…
Beautiful tree photos
I saw an inspiring post by CreativeFan on the weekend featuring 50 beautiful tree photos. It had been shared via Facebook and all the images there are inspiring. It made me want to pull out some tree shots I’ve done over the past couple of years and share them again here. This one has to be…
Scotch Thistles
The scotch thistles are out. They are a weed and I need to get rid of them but, as yet, unable to work in the garden. However, they do make for good subject matter when taking photos. And I love their colours when they’re in flower.
Bright Gazanias
I’m now getting back outside into my garden, which is such a blessing. It’s not until you lose the use of something for sometime (in my case a foot and leg) that you don’t realise how much it means to you. So glad to be walking again, even if slowly. Yesterday I enjoyed the afternoon…
Interesting sights you see
I was out with my husband yesterday. We were heading back from seeing the surgeon about my broken leg (by the way, I’ve been given permission to start walking again so I am, with just one crutch and can now venture outside and down steps by myself, yay!). We stopped at a bakery to pick…
Common Brown Butterfly
When we went out on Australia Day to buy new sheep for our property, I had to sit and wait in the car while Graham went to pick out the sheep. Trying to get down a stoney driveway and into an uneven paddock on crutches isn’t my idea of fun – I want to heal,…
Beautiful rose
As I’ve not been out in my garden over the past few weeks I’ve really missed seeing my roses in bloom. I get to see a couple outside my window but that has been it. But last week I was able to be outside for awhile and noticed the beautiful Double Delight in full bloom. …