Final post on this theme. What would a steamfest be if it didn’t display a smithy at work and a load of wood to help keep the steam going? And the last image, a plug for the Melbourne Steam Traction Engine Club.
Other items of attraction at Melbourne Steamfest
There were other items on display at the Melbourne Steamfest, like these old cars. I wasn’t sure that all travelled on steam (I’m sure some didn’t) but they were on display anyway.
Steam Engine Line up
During the course of the afternoon at the Steamfest, they had a parade of the steam engines and then lined them up for a photoshoot. There were quite a few with cameras there and I joined in the fun! And this group were behind the arena, not being driven, just on display.
Melbourne Steamfest March 2012
There were certainly an interesting array of vehicles in the parade at the steamfest. Small cars that putted along, right up to very large monstrous vehicles that were frightening – especially if you were in their pathway. I was stunned that some people were walking in and around these vehicles as they were moving. Only…
Melbourne Steamfest
Yesterday my husband and I visited the Melbourne Steamfest in Scoresby. I’d read about it in the local paper and knowing how much my husband loves steam engines, I mentioned it to him. The clincher was when a friend at church mentioned they also had old radios on display. Graham is a ham radio operator. …
Networking and building
Today’s post is somewhat different. I wanted to tell you a bit about what I’ve been up to lately with my photography. So many things have been catching my interest and my passion. I am happy to tell you I am now walking again – without a crutch in hand. I still take it with…
Grey Fantail having fun
This cute little Grey Fantail let me follow it around the garden the other day and I was fortunate to capture a shot of it with its fantail on display. You have to be quick! And later I caught it in the birdbath having fun, although I couldn’t get very close for a better shot. …
Autumn amongst the green
Saw this Liquidamber leaf on the lawn the other day. It certainly showed up amongst the green on the ground. I love this time of year – fresh with rain, colourful with the Autumn leaves, still warm in the days, cooler at night.
Nature Blog Carnival posts March 2012
Welcome to the March 5, 2012 edition of nature photography. My entry for this carnival is about the Dingy Swallowtail Butterfly. My husband found this butterfly on the ground near an Oleander bush on the weekend. It had a damaged wing and could not fly. I picked it up to put it somewhere safe to…
A study of Bella Donna Lilies
Or otherwise known as ‘The Naked Lady’. I assume because of it’s lack of leaves (dressing) when in flower. The leaves are present at other times. These are popping up all over our garden at the moment and are very pretty. They look so delicate too.
The Damaged Butterfly
It was very windy yesterday but fine and we took advantage of it and spent some time in the garden. Hubby found this butterfly in the garden with a damaged wing. We rescued it off the ground and put it in a bush. But not before it spent some time with us – it seemed…
Living in a cloud
It’s only just the start of Autumn but instead of hot summery weather we definitely are having colder and wet weather. This week we’ve had rain and mist, and it’s been like living in a cloud. And it looks so beautiful, is there any wonder that we love living here?