I got a series of shots a couple of days ago of several Silvereye. Accredited online colleges can get you the training you need to take great photographs like these. This one was eyeing off the fig, watching me, going for the fig and back watching me. Thought it an ideal opportunity to get a…
Why is this fig so important?
I hope you all had a great Easter break. I even took a break from my blog here – family things happening, attending church services and also breaking in a new computer. I’m still transferring stuff from the old one but am at about 85% capacity now. Today’s photo was taken a couple of days…
The Golden Hour
I’ve had a fascination for the ‘golden hour’ recently and have taken some shots at the local lake park during that special time at sunrise or sunset. But during the week I was on my way to a business breakfast in a local suburb and while in the cafe paying for my breakfast noticed the…
Kookaburra in the early morning sun
The early morning sun hits various parts of our property as it rises above the trees across the road from our home. I love watching our garden being gradually bathed in sunlight. A couple of mornings ago a kookaburra sat in the tree at the end of our driveway (one of their favourite trees) and…
The Colour Purple
is prominent in our garden at the moment. Here are a some reasons why:
Our beautiful cat Shadow
Shadow is a Burmese Cross who is around 15 years of age now. He’s starting to show it, just a bit, but still races around and acts like a silly kitten sometimes. He loves to follow me around the garden when he sees me with my camera. Seems all the cats know that often I’m…
Early morning life at the lake
Just a few more images from my photowalk of Tuesday 27 March. I hope you’ve enjoyed this series. A large male kangaroo – taken earlier in the morning while the light was still low. I had to lighten this shot up so it’s a bit grainy. With this graphic design college you can learn to…
Small Black Cormorants at the lake
We wandered down to the beach once the sun had touched the water and saw a number of small black cormorants down by the boat launch, with many of them drying their wings in the new sunlight. Did you know they have green eyes?
After the mist had risen
Still at Lysterfield Lake Park. After the mist had risen and the sun had added more colour to the scenery we could see activity starting to take place with the birdlife.
Bathed in gold
The building at the dam wall wasn’t the only thing bathed in gold. Below are two photographers as they come up the walk to meet the rest of us and one of the photographers lining up a shot.
As the sun rises
The building on the dam wall provides a great opportunity for watching the sun rise and seeing it bathed in gold once the sun has reached over the tree tops in the background.
Blog Carnival Submissions
If you’re a nature photographer, submit your blog article to the next edition of nature photography using our carnival submission form at http://blogcarnival.com/bc/cprof_15019.html. Past posts and future hosts can be found on our blog carnival index page.