The race is on again! It was a cold and wet morning but fortunately not too heavy or too windy while we waited at Menzies Creek Station for the first runners to come through. Hubby and I were there approx 45 mins and there were a few others there too, rugged up to keep warm…
National Rhododendron Gardens
I went with a group of photographers last weekend to the Rhododendron Gardens in Olinda, Vic. It was a wet day but it was beautiful there and we enjoyed the sights we saw. Here are some of them. A couple of the photographers I was visiting with enjoying one of the paths and scenery We…
Celebrating Autumn
It’s Autumn here in Australia and my favourite season. I love the colours of the trees as they change and there are lots of Autumn flowers. The weather has some occasional warmth and is cooler in the evenings and we’ve been getting rain! A good time to get back out in the garden, weed, plant,…
Mushrooms in the garden
Some more images of mushrooms (or toadstools) in our garden. And a reminder that you can join our Facebook group about mushrooms, if you have an interest in them. Don’t forget we have the Steve Parish Nature Photography Workshop happening in Victoria on 20/21 September 2014. Hope to see you there!
Identifying mushrooms
I love taking photos of mushrooms but have no idea what most of them are. And trying to identify them is a challenge if you can’t find a site online that helps you do this. I look at Google images and then click on images that are similar to the ones I’ve taken, in the…
The lakes at Blue Lotus
There were a variety of lakes there, large and small. Some just had one colour of water plants and others had a variety. This is the last of this series. Make a note to visit this beautiful garden at the end of the year or early next year, if you’re in the area. They also…
The birds at Blue Lotus Water Garden
The birds were mostly elusive but there were some that came out to play. Some of the photography group that went with me got a lot more images of birds but here are some I saw whilst visiting there. This is Freddie, as named by the owners of the garden. He’s a regular visitor there,…
The Lotus Pod
The Lotus Pod has been used for medicinal purposes, flower arrangements, the seeds are edible and the stamens can be dried and used for making tea. I had no idea you could do all those things with the Lotus. Not to be mistaken with the water lily which is quite different
The bridges at Blue Lotus
There was an interesting array of bridges across the various lakes at the Blue Lotus Water Garden. This one led across the longest stretch of water. Red is a colour they use a lot and I found the blue posts an interesting choice combination. And a place to sit and just enjoy the environment.
The Lotus and Water Lily
I went on a recent photo walk with a group of photographers to the Blue Lotus Water Garden, near Yarra Junction in Victoria, Australia. They are only open 3 months of the year, from Boxing Day to the first week of April. My husband and I first discovered this garden in January after seeing an…
Steve Parish Nature Photography Workshop in Victoria!
Just want the facts? Program here. Bookings here. I’m delighted to announce that I’m hosting a nature photography workshop with Steve Parish, here in Victoria, in September this year. What a wonderful honour and opportunity. I’ve admired Steve’s work for many, many years, having poured through books, calendars, looked at postcards and having wanted to…
Managing your photos
If you enjoy taking photos, as I do, even if it’s not quite as many, have you thought about how to manage the organisation of your photography files and folders? I’ve sometimes wondered how others do it but worked out a system that seems to work for me and, pending finding anything else that might…