Royal Melbourne Show pics
From the equestrian events
Royal Melbourne Show pics
The equestrian events are always interesting to watch.
Royal Melbourne Show pics
I went to the show recently and for the next few days I’ll share pics from the time I was there. I hope you enjoy them!
Spring flowers
White daisy with fly. Spring brings flies with it too. I was surprised it stayed still long enough for me to get a shot of it.
Forgot your memory card?
Have you ever gone out with your camera and then discovered you’d forgotten to replace your memory card? Yep, me too. What do you do to make sure you don’t forget it? For me, I simply leave the memory card door hanging open so when I grab my camera in my normal hold, the open…
Spring flowers
Lily in the garden
Spring flowers
This orchid has a small white bug in it that looks almost like a ladybird. I wonder what it is?
Spring flowers
Azaelea in bloom
Spring flowers
Water drops on a pansy
Spring flowers
A spray of tiny orchids in bloom.
Spring flowers
Spring is here in Melbourne, Australia and the afternoon was gorgeous. I couldn’t resist spending time outside with my camera in my own garden.