On that beautiful day Graham and I went out for a walk and in our garden and down the road we could see Kookaburras in trees. They are lovely birds with a unique sound that is like a clearing of the throat before they begin their famous laughing sound.
Tag: Australian birdlife
Bird photowalk at Lysterfield
I’ve been chatting with some at the Birds in Backyards forum and we decided to start doing photowalks together. As I run a business and need to be in the office during business hours only one person could meet up with me intially and we started lasted Monday. Unfortunately for us, there was a film…
Rainbow Lorikeet
Thought I’d post some more images from the other night. I don’t usually get so close to these beautifully vibrant coloured birds. They are partial to flowering gums and fruit trees. I sometimes see them in our fig tree when the fruit is ripe, and our neighbour’s flowering gum tree – but always at the…
Look who came to dinner too!
We went to a friend’s place for dinner last night, along with some other friends, and sat on the outside deck enjoying our meal. As we sat there more guests arrived for dinner and I was delighted to get shots of them. In these shots is a Common Bronzewing (quite a large bird) and a…
Other cockatoos
Below are three other types of cockatoos that I’ve seen. The top ones, are Gang-Gangs and there was a family in our garden one day last year. Only time I’ve seen them. A neighbour rang to say he could see them in our trees and to get outside quick, with the camera. The babies flew…
Yellow-tailed black cockatoo
Continuing with the cockatoos, the Yellow-Tailed Black Cockatoo seem to be more present this year where I live. I hear them every day calling as they fly overhead. I don’t remember hearing them that much in past years. Below are shots that have been taken in our garden, or at Lysterfield Park in the past…
White cockatoos
A flock of cockatoos fly overhead (and I can tell you it would have been noisily – they’re rarely quiet) and below that, a silhouette of a cockatoo in a tree with its crest up.
Posing cockatoo
Anyone would think these birds were experienced posers. They’ll happily sit for you (when in an area used to human contact) and let you take their photo.
Yellow-tailed black cockatoo
Isn’t he a cutie? Think he might be young as his feathers look fluffy, He was as interested in me as I was him when I saw him earlier in the month. Their cry is much different to that of other cockatoos. I love hearing them. Not raucous at all.
Yellow-tailed Black Cockatoo
These birds appear to be seasonal – they turn up once Summer is here, or well on its way. I’ve been hearing their calls here at home and at the park over the past couple of weeks but only really got to see them on Monday of this week. There were a group of six…
White-faced Grey Heron catches…?
I see the white-faced grey heron a real lot at the lake park now. It has at least two young and I sometimes see it with its young or other times alone. Yesterday morning I was walking early along the dam wall and saw it down by the water. I watched it as it dove…
Crimson Rosella
One of the great things about having all these parks and grounds nearby is that I can always be sure of getting a shot of something. I visited Grant’s Picnic Grounds briefly on Friday last and got some close ups of different birds. This is a Crimson Rosella. This image is available for purchase at…