Seagulls in flight
It’s sad that this bird thought it had gotten some food but it was a piece of plastic in the sea. It discarded it once it landed on the sand.
Mentone Beach
My husband works the Camera Control Unit (CCU) at our church services and he had to be dropped off at church 90 mins before the service on Saturday night. Rather than just sit around with nothing to do I elected to drive down to the nearest beach with my camera and practice getting shots of…
Sulphur Crested Cockatoo
Still at Grant’s Picnic Ground, this bird had just landed on a tree (I missed getting it in flight).
Grant's Picnic Ground
This Cockatoo on the entry sign to the park with a Crimson Rosella in the background.
At Grant's Picnic Ground
At the picnic ground tourists arrive every day on buses and in cars and the kiosk sells bird seed in small white bags for feeding the birds. So the Sulphur-Crested Cockatoos and Crimson Rosellas flock to the area. You see occasional Kookaburras too. This time round I just took some of the cockatoos.
At Grant's Picnic Ground
This find was unexpected. A yabby making its way across a very wet path. I nearly didn’t notice it amongst all the leaves strewn on the path. It very kindly stopped and allow me to snap some pics of it before I left it to go on its way. I’ve never seen a yellow one…
At Grant's Picnic Ground
Treeferns grow quite tall, this is looking up to the top of one of them.
At Grant's Picnic Ground
Grant's Picnic Ground – the trees
Just some of the beautiful trees on the walk in the grounds.
Grant's Picnic Ground
I went for a visit to Grant’s Picnic Grounds in Kallista recently. I pop in there now and then in the hope of seeing a Lyrebird but haven’t been successful in that regard yet. However, the paths to walk are beautiful, there is lots of birdlife and other things to see. My photos this week…
Flowers in my garden
The Paper Daisy again but of an older flower.