This bird, the Silvereye, seem to hang around with the Superb Wrens and Red Browed Firetails. The minor birds chase them off I think. Each set have their time in our fig tree, and the large birds also come from time to time. This Silver Eye is in a berry tree in the back.
Cockatoo in tree
Was out for a walk with my daughter the other evening and spied this Sulphur-Crested Cockatoo in a tree, coo-ing and making loud noises.
Golden Whistler
Saw this in a gum tree down the back of my property a few days ago. Isn’t it beautiful?
Caught in action!
Another rainbox lorikeet in the fig tree – I have to tread carefully and quietly on the verandah and path below the tree so I don’t alert them of my presence until they hear the click of my camera! By then I’ve caught them in action before they fly off.
Love those figs!
Rainbow Lorikeets are only one breed of bird that visits the Fig tree, there are others too. But these are so beautifully coloured and really stand out.
The figs on our tree have become attractive to the local birdlife now they’re almost ripe. Waiting for the lower branches to ripen so we can have some!
Puffing Billy Train
Filling up at Emerald.
Puffing Billy train
This train is heading back to Belgrave after being to Gembrook. At Gembrook they move the engine to the other end of the carriages to head back. Always amuses me how the engine travels backwards.
Puffing Billy Train
They periodically run a diesel engine to pull the passenger cars and this one was crossing our street just the other day. I took photos of it at the Belgrave station some time ago.
Puffing Billy Train
Another shot close to our home.
Puffing Billy Train
This is near the Selby crossing – just up the road from our home.