A trip to Grant's Picnic Ground
I’ve been to Grant’s Picnic Ground (Kallista) twice this week. The first time with 2 of my daughters and my grandson for lunch and then a couple of days later with another daughter and her friend. Always great photo opps there. So enjoy the kookaburras and cockatoos for the next few days. This is a…
Make your own cards
If you are as keen on photography as I am, I’m sure the thought has crossed your mind to use the photos in some way, to bless others. I’ve looked at getting my own cards made through local printing sources but it can get costly and you need to do a minimum print run –…
Rain at dusk
This photo was taken after a rainfall at dusk.
Autumn leaves at night
Here’s another shot I’ve tried at dusk with a flash.
Banksia at night
I’ve begun experimenting with photography at dusk and some photos have worked and others not. I really haven’t done much with flash before but thought this one turned out nicely. It’s a banksia in flower.
Body language
The neighbour’s cat is constantly on our property watching our boys. She’s been coming closer and closer to the driveway and house but was showing a bit of attitude the other day.
Sunsets in Melbourne
We’ve been getting the most lovely sunsets for the past few months. Last night, as my husband and I drove to church, this was what we saw on the way. Both photos were taken on Wellington Road, the second one on the bridge over Huntingdale Road.
Eastern Rosella
As the seasons change we’re seeing our feathered visitors changing too. The Eastern Rosellas have been coming to investigate what our trees have to offer.
Backlit by the sun
Water on a chain
We have a big thick chain hanging from the corner of our verandah roof and the idea of it is to channel the water from the rooftop down the chain to the ground. Pretty clever idea and I love watching the water fall.
Autumn leaves
It amazes me that leaves of all sizes – from the brand new tiny ones, through to the bigger old ones, are changing colour. This is on our Liquidamber tree.