We have white ones, grey ones, yellow ones, red ones, orange, brown, black – you name it, we have all sorts! I’ve also learnt that mushrooms and toadstools are the same thing – people just call poisonous mushrooms toadstools. I’ve been doing some reading to try and identify them.
More fungii
Same mushroom again. These apparently are considered poisonous and have hallucegenic properties if ingested. I’ve been told to keep an eye out for hippies!
Amanita muscaria
Same as yesterdays but more grown up. They seem to grow to maturity in less than a week.
Fascinating Fungii
With the changing weather now and autumn upon us we’ve discovered a real wonderland in our garden. An amazing array of fungi are popping up. Hope you enjoy seeing these. Oh, and if you know the names of any, feel free to leave comment – it would be most appreciated. Amanita muscaria
Another pose
Watching for worms
Sulphur Crested Cockatoo
Young Kookaburra
Tourist and Crimson Rosella
Tourist at Grants
The tourist love coming to Grant’s Picnic Ground to feed the birds there and to have their photos taken with them.
Birds and photographer
Fungii in the park
We walked along the Lyrebird track and saw lots of fungii and moss.