This one I pass whenever driving up to my daughter’s so had to stop to take some photos.
Our driveway and fog
Maple Tree Leaves
Aren’t the Maple Trees beautiful at Autumn time? This is in a park not far from home.
More Autumn photos
As Autumn here is drawing nearer to winter the colours are getting more vibrant on the trees and on the ground. The next few days are of my own grounds or gardens and parks not far from where we live.
Submitting to photo stock sites
I can’t tell you how many hours I’ve spent researching stock photography sites, reading articles, reading about photo submissions, submitting, creating keywords and choosing categories, getting rejected and waiting for the ‘wait time’ before starting all over again. But I would say the time spent would add up to some weeks of ‘working or awake’…
Dark Brown Mushroom
We get them in all sorts of colours.
More fungii
I had a photowalk at my place this week with the Knox Photographic Society and discovered even more mushrooms on our property. I thought this collection pretty amazing.
Photos now available at Shutterstock
I’ve recently had photos accepted at Shutterstock which I am thrilled about. My latest images for sale at Shutterstock: My most popular images for sale at Shutterstock: You can see the rest at I’ll be adding to them regularly.
Tiny Orange Mushroom
I have no idea if there’s anwhere I can identify these mushrooms. This one is so tiny and delicate.
White Mushroom
Almost every day I go outside and am amazed at what else I find. We have lots of different types of mushrooms in our garden.
Are the Smurfs home?
Knitted fungi
This one looks like it is knitted.