Several weeks ago, I was approached by the printer that does my Dandenong Ranges Calendar to see if I could contribute some wildlife images for a fundraiser calendar that they were doing, partnered with Wildlife Victoria. I told them of course I have and sent through some images. Then they showed me the other images…
Rufous Fantail visits our home
Another gorgeous bird and a lovely surprise this afternoon. Had a gorgeous little visitor in our garden this afternoon, under our willow tree here at home. It’s a Rufous Fantail – I’ve only seen one here occasionally in the past, usually in a bird bath near our house. But today, as I walked under the…
Sunlit cockatoo
I am always out and about with my camera. I live in fear of missing ‘that shot’ if I don’t have it outside with me whenever I’m in the garden or elsewhere. In fact, I have missed a few shots for that very reason – leaving my camera inside. Thankfully it doesn’t happen often, leaving…
Calendar Entries
I produced the first Dandenong Ranges Calendar for 2011 and have been creating calendars ever since. And I’ve gradually been adding local events in the calendar to make it even more useful for the locals who use it. It also lets others know who receive it what types of events we run here in the…
Dandenong Ranges Christmas Cards
I’ve had several people ask me if I do Christmas Cards that depict the Dandenong Ranges. Well, I listened! And I also asked the people of the ranges of some iconic views and iconic birds that make people think of our beautiful region. I’m thrilled to share we now have 6 different Christmas Cards available…
2020 Calendar orders now open!
Thank you to all of those who voted for their favourite images for the 2020 Calendar. Having you involved in helping me choose the right images just helps make the calendar even more personal for our beautiful region of the Dandenong Ranges. And thank you also for the updates on community event dates for 2020…
Buff Banded Rail
While walking at Birdsland, my favourite place to walk, I saw not one, but two Buff Banded Rails! I don’t often see them there and usually only ever one – never seen two before. They weren’t together but weren’t that far away from one another. And I was very fortunate to get a great close…
Stunning Autumn in the Dandenong Ranges
We really are having the most amazing Autumn up here in the Dandenong Ranges this year. My husband and I went up there on Mother’s Day and spent a couple of hours at the George Tindale Gardens. Had intended to visit another garden but we found pathways we’d not walked before and just totally immersed…
Great Mother’s Day Gift
If you love the Dandenong Ranges, as I do, you may be looking for a gift relating to our region for your Mother for Mother’s Day. Well, you’re in luck – especially if she loves jigsaw puzzles! I have several of images of our region and they’re available now with a special offer. Purchase two…
Jigsaw Puzzles now available
With the cooler weather coming, what better activity than a jigsaw puzzle to do indoors? And a jigsaw puzzle that reflects our own region? Plus I have some from the Flinders Ranges too. They also make great gifts and are lightweight for posting overseas. I have a variety of sizes suitable for kids and adults…
Junior Gang Gang comes to visit
Had the most amazing experience a couple of days ago. A beautiful juvenile Gang Gang Cockatoo landed in one of our gum trees, noisily as they do, so I moved slowly closer to the tree, taking photos and chatting to it. Then it flew past me and I thought it was going to a fence…
Kallista Market
Had a stall at the most recent Kallista Market here in the Ranges. Had forgotten how much I enjoy being involved in a market! I use it as networking time, getting to know local business owners but also the local community and visitors to our community. During my time there I met photographers and told…