Thought I’d give another update. Well, I’ve got some photos that have now sold several times over. So it’s starting to pick up. Time for me to upload more images and keep building my stock. Interesting though, that I heard from yet another stock agency overnight. I’d loaded images to them weeks ago and had…
Project 52
I’m participating in a couple of photography projects this year. One is Project 52, taking a photo of the same thing each week. It can be at different angles and at different times of the year. I selected the pergola in our park as the subject and have seen the surrounding bushes and wisteria change. …
The cheeky Currawong
These birds are almost the size of our crows, or ravens. A very dark grey, almost black with the distinctive white strip on their wings. They have an unusual call that travels long distances. The lilly pilly tree is heavily laden with berries and they love them. But I am sure they keep flying over…
Cute little fella!
This is a brown thornbill I saw on one of my walks.
Celebrate Photography
19th August marks World Photography Day and at the time of writing this post over 1700 photographers have so far registered to participate. Including me! The idea is to photograph your part of the world and share it. Something I do already anyway, hey? 😉 To get involved, register at and then tweet it,…
Daily Walk
On one of my walks last week I saw an Eastern Yellow Robin and was able to get relatively close before it flew off.
Young Kookaburra
Over the past week or so we’ve noticed that we’ve had a young kookaburra with a couple of older ones in the yard. In fact, the photo I shared the other day about going to another territory we think was the older bird trying to tell the younger bird to go. I had watched it…
Rainbow Lorikeet
On the same day I visited Karkarook Park I took a walk down the main road towards my church and spied a rainbow lorikeet in a flowering gum. Such colourful birds!
Who are the spammers kidding anyway?
Just digressing from my daily post of photos, I thought I would address the spammers who consistently try to get their comments posted here. Your comments relate nothing whatsoever to photography or my photos and since I write very little text content here, your smooth words about my writing ability fail dismally. A pity you…
At Karkarook Park
More of the park. I saw many Sacred Ibis fly overhead and a young boy on his bike delighting in scattering the seagulls on the hill they were sitting. I later spoke to his mum who said her boys love the park and often ride their bikes there.
At Karkarook Park
A swan I saw nesting a few weeks ago now has its cygnets in the water and is teaching them to seek food. She and her mate were together with their babies when I visited the park this week. Aren’t they gorgeous?
A Visit to Karkarook Park
On the weekend we had the most beautiful weather and I paid a visit to Karkarook Park before going to church in the morning, mainly in search of the Flame Robin I’d seen there before. I was rewarded with much more than that and will share photos with you this week. Taken at 8.24am –…