Not long after we bought our new home, but before we shifted in, my youngest daughter and I were visiting outside looking longingly at the house and talking about when my husband and I would shift in. She noticed a thick chain hanging down from the corner of the verandah roof and mentioned it to…
Also at Grant's
This Crimson Rosella was interested in what I might have for awhile but then decided the wooden post he was sitting on held more interest. One thing I need to do is find out how not to have the reds blowout so much. I’d like it to look much sharper.
More kookaburras
One fella had a bit to say, the others were content to keep their eye out for worms or other delectable items of interest while I photographed them.
Young Kookaburra
I paid a visit last Friday to one of my favourite places, Grant’s Picnic Ground, which is only around 10 mins drive from my home and halfway between my daughter’s and my homes. So I will often drop in there after I’ve been visiting Melanie. That day there were quite a few kookaburras hanging around…
Stock Photograpy VII
Just another tip for you. I was checking my stats at the individual sites to see if any more sales were generated and noticed I still had some pending files at some of the stock sites. Even though iSyndica submits to the sites, not all the sites accept the photos straight away. Some of them…
Maa, our sheep
Maa came with the property when we bought our new home last year. I don’t know if she used to bleat a lot for the previous owners but she certainly does for us. I don’t really remember her doing that when we came to look at the house. Seems she’s always wanting company and always…
Kookaburra in our garden
We have a family of kookaburras living on our property. I’ve been occasionally throwing out strips of beef and they love it. Here’s one on the ground with some meat and then getting ready to launch itself into flight again.
Australian King Parrots
We have a couple of feeders in our park. One hanging off the pergola and another off an oak tree. After I put this one up and started to put seed out we had Australian King Parrots pay us a visit. They hadn’t been here before then although I knew they visited a place across…
Old Camelia bush
We have a very old camelia bush in our backyard. It’s more like a tree and is heavily laden with flowers at the moment.
Thanks Dad Photo Competition
The national (Australia) Thanks Dad Photo Competition is on. This is the brainchild of 3 men, Chris Hawke, Michael Hawton and Greg Schlieman who have all been involved in men’s welfare issues and who wanted to bring positive images of Australian fathers to the attention of us all. There is so much ‘bad news’ about…
Another view
Here’s another view of that pergola. It is a pleasant place to sit during the day and watch the bird life, or listen to it. The cats like to come and sit with me in there too.
Protea in flower
I’m loving discovering all of the flowers on our still new property. We’ve been here almost 9 months and the winter flowers are now out. This is a protea.