I’ve had lots of fun following the bees around and watching their activities, sometimes with my long lense and sometimes closer with the macro. Can you see the pollen collected on its back leg?
Another small spider
And I think this one was ready to attack my camera lens. He was living on another white daisy and raised his legs at me.
The spider and the flower
Spring has brought out beautiful colours and displays and the insects are more evident too. This small green spider is living on a white daisy.
Season's first butterfly
Saw this in my neighbour’s yard a few days ago. The first I’ve seen for this season and will surely see many more soon.
Close up of the hover fly
Saw another one of these flies another day so here’s a close up for you.
Just buzzing along…
This is a hover fly just approaching a white daisy. I was delighted with this shot.
The busy bee
Now that Spring has really arrived so have the bees seeking out the pollen. They are so busy. This is at a Liquidamber tree and the bee is carrying quite a bit of pollen.
Speckled body
This is a kookaburra just launching off our plum tree. I hadn’t realised what kind of pattern might be under their wings and on their body.
3 magpies
I heard these birds squawking overhead and was fortunate to capture 3 of the 4 in one frame. It was a beautiful day on the day this was taken.
Nature's Jewell
Along the fence line at Lysterfield Park, cobwebs glistened in the early morning sunlight. It had been raining overnight. They looked really lovely, shining like jewels.
Yellow Tailed Black Cockatoo
I don’t know how common these birds are as I’ve only ever seen them at Lysterfield Lake Park. Usually in pairs or more they can be seen and heard gnawing on the trees and making noises to each other. You can usually hear them before seeing them. They are quite a large bird.
Male Eastern Grey Kangaroo
These guys are huge and very muscly and in this pic you can get an idea of just how strong his muscles are. He was content to watch us (my walking partner and me) and he struck an impressive pose for me.