A couple of mornings ago, we woke up to fog and signs of a very busy night. Our fence posts were covered in cobwebs, as were many branches of our trees. And this perfect web highlighted by the early morning sun through the fog.
Camera bags that don't look like camera bags
If you’re like me you don’t want to announce to the general public that your camera is always with you. So how do you carry it around safely so it doesn’t get bumped and knocked? I’ve purchased a ladies leather backpack which looks like a regular handbag women would carry. But inside I’ve added the…
New rose
Now that summer is almost here our roses are coming out in full flower. They smell and look beatiful. This one was taken just after a rain shower.
My new friend
This is Maggie. Well, he’s a magpie and young and been hanging around our frontyard this past week. So I’ve been throwing him some bread and he’s been coming back for me. He’s even letting me get a bit closer. Here he’s in our Jacarandah tree watching me.
Yellow-tailed Black Cockatoo
These birds are not commonly seen and appear to be very shy. They’re certainly not as plentiful as other birds we see, however I have gotten to know their screech from the odd few times I’ve seen/heard one before. So when I heard it screech in my backyard last week I was quick to race…
Belgrave South
Lastly for this series of shots, I’ve included one from the local church. They change their signs regularly and many are quite humourous while thought-provoking.
Belgrave South
I think one of the most recognisable things at Belgrave South is the roundabout at the small shopping centre. Anyone who knows Belgrave South would recognise this intersection immediately.
Baluk Willam Reserve
I was practising with my macro lens. The shots aren’t as sharp as I like – obviously got a lot more practising to do. This is of a large bull ant on a flower.
Baluk Willam Reserve
This is just one of the paths at the reserve. It was very peaceful and quiet there, with only the sound of birds and the occasional car driving on a road nearby.
New Facebook page
I have a new Facebook page and wanted to invite you to come ‘like’ my page. There you can join in discussions, share your thoughts and ideas about photography and further down the track I hope to introduce some fun things to do and share. So, why not come visit me at Facebook? Click on…
Baluk Willam Reserve
And there were quite a few wildflowers at the reserve too. This one is really pretty. I have no idea what the name of it might be.
Baluk Willam Flora Reserve
On Sunday at church one of the men mentioned he was looking for an iconic photo of the Belgrave South region so I took it upon myself to do some research on the area and in the process discovered the Baluk Willam Nature Conservation Reserve. I hadn’t known it existed and it’s just 5 mins…