Well, you could win something – I run occasional competitions and am able to contact email subscribers direct. Subscribing by email means it arrives in your inbox daily rather than having to remember to read your RSS feed or go to the site on a daily basis. I do have it set up to publish…
Butterflies at the park
This butterfly had the sunlight shining on it giving a look as though its wings were very fragile, almost like a tissue. And you can see they’re looking ragged as though torn or worn away.
Butterflies at the park
Another butterfly – saw a real lot of these flying around everywhere, alighting on trees, fences, flowers, the ground and sometimes flying in twos – I was never quick enough to get a shot of two together.
Project 365
If you’ve been reading this blog for awhile you would have picked up that I participated in Project 365 last year. What this meant was taking a photo a day and posting it with a group at Flickr. This was a great exercise to participate in as it made me think daily about going outside…
Butterflies at the park
Back at one of my favourite places to walk, Lysterfield Lake Park is brimming with butterflies and dragonflies at this time of the year. This is one of the butterflies I saw when walking last weekend. It had beautiful markings under its wings whereas most seem to be rather pale in comparison I have a…
In Trudi's garden
As we walked around the garden on a lovely summer afternoon, this very large skink watched us from where it was sunning itself on a rock. Then it decided we had gotten too close and slithered off into the rocks, but not before I could get a couple of shots of it.
Client testimonial
As a result of my newsletter article (because of a photography competition win) I picked up my first paying client recently. I went to his place to take photos of a family of Tawny Frogmouths in his garden and to do some prints for him. He was very happy and wrote me a letter saying…
In Trudi's garden
I mentioned about Trudi’s calendar that I made for her for Christmas. One photo that made her chuckle was this one. There was a story about how she got so many wheelbarrows which she happily shared with me.
In Trudi's garden
I mentioned yesterday how I love going over to her place to take photos of her garden. I surprised her at Christmas by presenting her with a calendar called Trudi’s Garden but I don’t think it was till she got to the March photo that it dawned her that it was truly her garden. The…
In Trudi's garden
Our neighbour Trudi has a garden filled with Salvia, of almost every imaginable colour. She’s with the Salvia Society and co-writes their newsletter. I love going over to her garden early mornings to see what birdlife is there and also to take photos of her various plants when they’re in flower – there are much…
And back on the street in St Kilda
Back on the streets at St Kilda, you can see the Luna Park entrance and some of the visitors enjoying a ride.
A visit to St Kilda
Here are two separate wind surfers doing their thing…