This is one of our cats. Despite the beautiful day I took this photo I didn’t get to go outside and realised in the evening I’d still not taken any photos (a rarity). Smokey was on my desk so he became my subject. He is a very content, happy cat and good company.
Announcing photography competition
I received this email today and have promised I would share the information. I thought you would like to know that there’s a $10,000 holiday to the Grampians up for grabs which includes a full-day photography master-class with Nikon Ambassador Mark Watson! Launched today by Tourism Victoria and Australian Geographic magazine, the promotion highlights the…
Curious Wallaby
This small Swamp Wallaby watched me carefully as I moved to get a better position while at Lysterfield Lake Park recently. Shortly after this shot it took off into the bush.
Yellow-tailed Black Cockatoo
The closest shot I’ve gotten yet of one of these birds. It was in the neighbour’s yard and then she came out with a visitor, talking very loudly and the birds were scared off. Oh well, next time I’ll be waiting and watching. Taken with a 70-300mm lens. At times like this I wouldn’t mind…
David Austin Rose 'Tea Clipper'
This is one of the many roses in our garden. It almost looks like a Dahlia when you aren’t close to it. But when you are very close to it, it has the most beautiful aroma.
Lilium in the garden
I believe this is a ‘Lilium Superbum’. (Turks-Cap Lily) Saw this in the garden of my church – very unusual flower.
A visit to Mansfield
I went with my youngest daughter and some of her husband’s family to visit a bush market a couple of hours away into the country. I went purely to see what I might get pics of but apart from the market and crowds there, there wasn’t a massive lot of interest for photography. There was…
Australian Laughing Kookaburra
I took my daughter and grandson to Grant’s picnic ground in Kallista. One of my favourite places to go. There’s always lots of birdlife there that’s not afraid of the number of people hanging around. In fact, they expect to be fed! This kookaburra was on a tree close to the deck at the back…
In the sunset
I’m participating in the 365 day project again, as mentioned previously, and sometimes it’s late in the day before I find anything to hold up my camera to. On this particular day I’d been wandering around in my neighbour’s garden again. She has a larger property than us (5 acres) and the front part is…
A family comes to visit
On Wednesday morning last week I could hear the distinctive high pitched call of the Australian King Parrot in our garden. Imagine my surprise when I went out to our driveway and found not just one bird, but six, a family of these beautiful parrots. They didn’t fly off and watched me curiously, even as…
Rainbow lorikeet and flowering gum
My neighbour rang me excitedly one day last week, asking me to bring my camera. Colourful birds were in her red flowering gum, but by the time I got there, they had gone. Questioning seemed to indicate they were Rainbow Lorikeets – my neighbour knows her plants but not birds. Anyway, over the next couple…
Beautiful hibiscus
This flower is in my garden – lovely time of year for colour and things to see.