I went to Healesville Sanctuary last week to take a visiting friend from the US to her first taste of Australian wildlife and birdlife in action. We watched the bird show which was amazing. This is a Black Kite catching food in mid-air.
Hole in the fence illusion
I had to look twice to check that the fence didn’t have a hole in it. Amazing how sun and shadows can play tricks on your eyes.
Bronze Gazania
A day later and it’s very sunny, beautiful day. Wandering the garden we have many autumn flowers out on show. I liked the single drop of water on the petal of this flower.
Rose leaf with raindrops
Wandering the garden after a rainfall this caught my eye.
Darter (Anhinga melanogaster) or Snake Bird
A common name for the Darter is Snake Bird. If one approaches one sitting on a log or branch it will writhe its neck in a snake like manner. Like cormorants, the Darter needs to regularly leave the water and sit on a log, rock, branch or navigation piles in order to dry its wings….
Pink flower in the sun
I need to identify this flower – there are about 3 bushes just coming out in bloom. Pretty, pale pink, fragile looking flower.
Only a mother could love this face
Saw this cutie waiting outside a cafe for its owner. Very placid, happy to pose for me.
A butterfly in silhouette
Day 66 of my 365 day challenge. What to shoot today? I hadn’t been outside much and I don’t like to take pictures inside if I can help it – much prefer the outdoors. The light was beginning to fade, it was very late afternoon. I spied a butterfly in the scrub behind our house…
BIF – or Bird in Flight
One of the things that bird photographers love doing is getting a BIF shot – a bird in flight. I was focusing on this Australian Sulphur-crested White Cockatoo as it sat on a branch but then it decided to take off.
On volunteer duty
It’s rare I’m in front of the camera but on this occasion someone grabbed mine from me to get a shot of me in action. The event? The Christian radio station I listen to, 89.9 LightFM, was having an open day at their new premises. I’m on their volunteer BBQ team and this is me…
Masked Lapwing Plover
Via wikipedia: The Masked Lapwing (Vanellus miles), previously known as the Masked Plover and often called the Spur-winged Plover in its native range, is a large, common and conspicuous bird native to Australia, particularly the northern and eastern parts of the continent. It spends most of its time on the ground searching for food such…
Eastern Spinebill
These tiny little birds are plentiful where I live in the Dandenong Ranges. They are honeyeaters so can often be seen hovering with their beaks inside of flowers. They move extremely fast and it was many, many months before I could even get a shot of one. I think I’m improving – or they’re getting…