Not long before we went away we had a visit by three Yellow-tailed Cockatoos. I couldn’t get any shots of them all together so had to settle for just the one. I believe this one is a female. They make quite an unusual grating type of sound when in a tree eating nuts and berries. …
Photographer's magazine
I thought I’d start writing about things that I learn from or get inspired by on a weekly basis. I collect a huge number of reading materials, both in printed format and online, but it wasn’t till a recent holiday that I was able to catch up with some of that reading. Life gets in…
Anzac Day
Today is Anzac Day in Australia – ANZAC being short for Australia New Zealand Army Corps. Probably one of the most important days in Australia’s calendar. You can read more about it here. For the first time Graham and I attended an Anzac Day Memorial Dawn Service. There were tens of thousands of people doing…
A visit to Benthany Winery
While my husband, his sister and brother-in-law visited inside the winery I took a walk outside to see what I could find. This is the winery building – beautiful, isn’t it? Down the road near the entrance they had a dam and in the car park were some bushes, including the lavender below. Don’t forget,…
Interesting trees
The Australian gum tree shows such character don’t you think? I love it. And I love all the other trees you see dotted around the Australian countryside. These certainly attracted my interest. This one is at Mengler’s Hill in South Australia. And this one my sister-in-law calls the Spooky Tree. It’s down the road from…
Merildin Train Station – now abandoned
My sister-in-law took me for a drive to a few places and we ended up at this old abandoned train station some miles out of Mintaro as the afternoon grew late. I loved this place – was lovely in the golden sunlight, surrounded by wheat fields. And these were just across the road from the…
A new look at old buildings
Love looking at old buildings, their stonework and features and there were plenty to look at when I walked around Mintaro, Burra and other places. Don’t forget, if you are in Victoria anytime between 10 May and 5 June you could visit my exhibition being held at the Kallista Tea Rooms. They hold exhibits from…
Birds I saw
Did you miss me? I’ve taken a few days break – coming home from a holiday means having to catch up with a few things workwise. But I think I can get back into my daily pattern here now. We had a lovely time staying with family in the Clare Valley in South Australia so…
New Collage at Facebook
I love playing with PhotoVisi to create collages. My Facebook page has now got a new Welcome look using a collage from PhotoVisi. It’s a free service and they keep adding to their collage layouts. If you haven’t already, I invite you to come visit me at Facebook!
Mirror reflections
It is as beautiful as it looks and very peaceful (Lysterfield Lake Park I mean) – at least during the week when there aren’t many people there. The weekends can get quite busy and noisy with music playing loudly, people yelling (happily) and laughing, ball games being played, the whir of mountain bike wheels as…
Circle of Clouds
Back at Lysterfield again. This time afternoon and the water was amazingly still and glassy looking. It wasn’t until I was looking through my viewfinder though that I noticed the circle of clouds from the sky and water reflection. They lined up with the circular grid inside my camera. Amazing. Can you see the circle?
Lilydale Lake birdlife
At the lake in Lilydale there’s a jetty and viewing pad for the birdlife and boats on the lake. The swallows have taken up residence there and were also enjoying the early morning sun while I visited.