I received during the week, a lovely letter from a man who had visited my photography exhibition. He would have seen it in the local paper. He was the same man I took photos of some baby Tawny Frogmouths for late last year when the family was in his garden. He was thrilled to see…
The Colours of Autumn VII
Seems that nature is matching its surroundings at the moment. When we drive down the hill towards our home all you can see is yellow, green and gold, and some brown. The leaves on the ground matching the picket fence of our front yard. It really stands out from the rest of the street which…
The Colours of Autumn VI
More colours of Autumn. This time from my own garden.
A Walk in Sherbrooke Forest
We also visited Grant’s Picnic Grounds and went for a walk through Sherbrooke Forest and were delighted to get a glimpse of a male Lyrebird there – not a good shot but certainly my first opportunity.
White faced Heron
Took my sister to Lysterfield Lake Park when she was visiting recently and we spied this Heron fishing in the lake.
The Colours of Autumn V
We’ve been told here in Melbourne that Winter has arrived early and is staying. brrr. It has been pretty cold and wet of late. But the leaves are still there and falling, quite colourful. Probably won’t be long before the trees are bare.
The Colours of Autumn IV
I loved this pathway when I saw it. Nature’s colours scattered for us to enjoy and remember.
The Colours of Autumn III
Maple trees produce such beautiful colours at this time of year. I’ve planted a couple in my garden but need to plant many more. In the meantime the George Tindale Gardens had plenty on display.
The Colours of Autumn II
It’s not yet Winter but Autumn this year in Victoria, Australia is very cold and wet. We’ve had snow already in the mountains, plus hail and sleet. My sister and I visited the George Tindale Gardens in Victoria just yesterday and found ice lying around everywhere. They must have had hail fall during the night…
The Colours of Autumn
Autumn is truly a beautiful time of the year. At least I think so. Been visiting a few parks and gardens lately.
More birds at Grant's Picnic Grounds
I love that you can get up so close and personal with the birds at Grant’s. It’s a very popular tourist spot and many bus loads pull in daily so the tourists can get an opportunity to hand feed the birds and have their photos taken with them. Below is a Sulphur-Crested Cockatoo and a…
More of the cockies
I learnt something the other week. With my husband currently going through rehab and having to relearn to use his right hand and arm, the physio had mentioned to him that birds are left-handed. And then my daughter mentioned the same thing. A guy she works with is a bird enthusiast and he’d told her…