I really should visit our zoos far more often. The Healesville Sanctuary is in my neck of the woods and it is entirely Australian animals and birds (I believe). I love going to the ‘Spirit in the Sky’ show to practice my BIF (bird in flight) shots. This time round I took the new Nikon…
Dandenong Ranges Icon
When you hear the words ‘Puffing Billy’ you are instantly transformed to visions of the Trestle Bridge, smoke and steam and people waving from the train. My favourite spot is at the top of the Trestle Bridge, to capture the train as it comes towards me. On this particular morning it was very still and…
Visiting Lysterfield Lake
I’d heard, recently, that there was a flock of Swift Parrots at Lysterfield Lake, just 10kms from where I live. Why was this so special? These birds are classed as an endangered species and they are endemic to Tasmania. I’d first heard about them when working with a Victorian arborist industry association that had sent…
Book 2 Now Available
Well, the print proof copy has arrived and it looks great, if I do say so myself. Although my husband and a friend, Liz, agree. So excited with how it’s come out! I sat on this one for a few months, and then finally decided just under 3 weeks ago (during another Melbourne lockdown) to…
A Gift So Rarely Appreciated
The title of this post came via my husband’s cousin, Dianne. We were having a chat online after she’d commented on some macro photography I’d recently done. She’d commented that I had a very keen and natural eye for detail and I’d responded that I am constantly amazed how people totally miss what’s around them,…
Are you ready? Book 2 coming!
Advance notice – I’ve been working on Book 2 of Words on Birds: Feathered Friends of the Dandenongs and it’s almost ready to go to print. Can’t wait to get my first copy in my hands! Can’t wait to let you know it’s available for purchase. Here’s a sneak peak on the draft front cover.
Salvia, a great bird attractor
We have two salvia sections in our paddock and will probably plant more sections too, because the birds and bees love them and the wallabies don’t, lol.While we’ve tried to stick to our garden planting plan, sadly, the wallabies have decided to feast on many of our plants, and we’ve had to rethink on the…
Visiting Cloudehill Gardens
My husband and I recently had a lovely drive through the hills and visited Cloudehill Gardens in Olinda, which is looking absolutely amazing right now due to the Autumn colours there. So many photos, I won’t share them all (over 150 of them) but it was hard choosing which ones to share here. If you’ve…
The cameras I use
I got asked today how many cameras I have. It’s not the first time I’ve been asked that and probably won’t be the last either. Many years ago I had a little pocket Kodak that just wouldn’t cut it when I was trying to photograph my husband and his team out mountain biking. Then I…
When a photo needs a caption
Just sometimes, I take a photo and when I view it on my computer, it obviously needs a caption. And this was the case when I recently took some photos of a Darterbird at Birdsland Reserve. The series is below but it’s the middle one that stood out to me. And this is what I…
Movement, Sound, Change of Colour
I often get told that people miss seeing the things I see, or they’re not lucky enough to see these things. I thought I’d share on how I manage to find all the shots I do, and the subjects too. Movement As I’m often walking along in parks, reserves, even my own property, I don’t…
Making your head spin
While this photo normally wouldn’t be one I would keep, it really leant itself to a caption. I hope you agree. These are two Rainbow Lorikeets and one decided to shake itself just as I was taking their photo. It had been raining and both birds were wet.