We’ve had a lot of flies turning up lately and suspect eggs have hatched somewhere in or close to the house. Very annoying. Outside there’s been an array of colourful bugs arrive in the garden. The top one below is a Hover Fly but I’m yet to find out what the sparkly green bug is.
Profile of a Fairy-wren
Spied this wren while out on a walk recently.
Spring in the hills
Spring is here in Australia and the gardens are bursting in colour. We have quite a few roses in our garden. When we first shifted here we had about 4 and I’ve since planted many others and will continue to do so as I work on our gardens turning portions of it into a cottage…
Cloudy day at the lake
You would have seen the lovely sunset shots I got the other night at Lysterfield Lake Park. On the day these two photos were taken the weather was very different and you can see the clouds rolling in over the hills in the distance. The atmosphere at the park is quite different when it’s overcast….
Passifloraceae Vine growing on a tree
Like the passionfruit vine, this is a climber and is found in bushland climbing on native trees. I spied this one at Lysterfield Lake some time ago.
10 Adorable Cat Photos
Digital Photography School’s recent post on 25 Inspirational Dog Portraits has inspired this post. I’m a cat lover and have photos of a few cats – some of our own and some that belong to family or friends. If you have a photo of an adorable cat you want to share, please add it in…
Buff Banded Rail (Gallirallus philippensis)
Not a very clear shot but the best one I got on this particular day. I’d not seen this bird at the park before and had to do some research to find out what it is. Apparently they like to live in grassy, reedy or thickly vegetated areas close to water – which describes Lysterfield…
Australian King Parrot
This pair were watching to see if I was putting out any more feed recently in our garden. These parrots don’t seem to be afraid, that is they’re used to having humans in close proximity. I know they hang around my neighbour’s deck out the back as he has a pet Corella living there and…
The view above
This view was above me as the sun rose yesterday morning at the market.
Sunset at Lysterfield Lake
Absolutely gorgeous evening last night. So many beautiful shots I got – I could be showing you them for days.
A visit to the Markets
This month I will be at the Kallista Market on Saturday 5th November and GrassRoots Community Market on Sunday 20th November. If you’re in the vicinity of the Dandenong Ranges, make sure you pop by and say hello. In fact, if you let me know you saw this post I’ll have a gift to give…
Beautiful roses
That time of year and the roses are budding – and they look beautiful in the spring rains too. The scents are beautiful. I love exploring my garden every day.