Have you heard of a Blog Carnival? I used to participate in one several years ago when I first began blogging. I’d forgotten about that till recently when researching plugins and then saw one that related to receiving submissions for a blog carnival. Unfortunately that plugin is being discontinued but it gave me an idea….
Other cockatoos
Below are three other types of cockatoos that I’ve seen. The top ones, are Gang-Gangs and there was a family in our garden one day last year. Only time I’ve seen them. A neighbour rang to say he could see them in our trees and to get outside quick, with the camera. The babies flew…
Yellow-tailed black cockatoo
Continuing with the cockatoos, the Yellow-Tailed Black Cockatoo seem to be more present this year where I live. I hear them every day calling as they fly overhead. I don’t remember hearing them that much in past years. Below are shots that have been taken in our garden, or at Lysterfield Park in the past…
White cockatoos
A flock of cockatoos fly overhead (and I can tell you it would have been noisily – they’re rarely quiet) and below that, a silhouette of a cockatoo in a tree with its crest up.
Posing cockatoo
Anyone would think these birds were experienced posers. They’ll happily sit for you (when in an area used to human contact) and let you take their photo.
Focus on Cockatoos
There are a number of types of cockatoos here in Australia. White ones, Black ones with different colouring, one that is pink all over – all have different calls and they tend to live in different areas. Here, where I live in the Dandenongs, the locals consider the white ones to be pests. To some…
Kookaburra closeup
They have such beautiful colouring, these birds. Similar to gum trees really. Love the dappled feathers underneath too. And their beautiful big eyes.
Kookaburras on the line
We have a small family of kookaburras living on our property and sometimes you see them together. Here two of them survey our backyard from our washing line.
These are such comical looking birds at times – they look down along their beak at you. I love watching them. They watch the ground intently for their next food item but they also watch around them too. They perch up in trees, on signposts, washing lines, anywhere really. And I love to hear their…
Australian Magpie
I’m still stuck inside but I do have quite a good view outside my office window and am able to watch the birdlife when it shows up. Not that it always stays still long enough for me to capture it and I have a limited width of viewing for following them with my camera. However,…
Close up of King Parrot
When you go to Grant’s Picnic Grounds in Kallista you can get up close and personal to the birds. The kiosk sells birdseed to the tourists and visitors. In these shots I’d taken a family member from interstate to visit the grounds and experience getting up close and personal to these beautiful birds. I believe…
Sunset at Lysterfield
A couple more sunset shots – both taken at Lysterfield Lake prior to my accident.