Not many of our roses are flowering now, some but not a lot. I really missed seeing them because of being confined indoors after my accident. I’ve been going around dead-heading them to try and encourage a bit more flowering and this bush obliged.
Nature blog carnival
If you’re a nature photographer, or you know someone who likes to take photos of nature, and you write a blog, please tell them about our Nature Photoblog Carnival. Entries are nearly closing – and we’ll be posting the submissions here Monday week. To submit an entry simply go to and fill out the…
Would you like a strawberry?
This weather is really liked by our strawberry plants which are literally running wild and throwing runners across the garden, mainly under our fig tree. But there are more plants in the vege garden, doing the same thing, out in the open. The result is what you see below. And yes, they smell and taste…
An evening at Lysterfield Lake
Graham and I went back to the lake one evening a few nights ago, to witness the sunset there. We don’t get to see it where we live, except through trees. I had hoped for something a bit more spectacular but it was a relaxing evening at least – as you’ll see from the pic…
Golden Whistler
For the past few days we’ve (hubby and I) been hearing a birdcall we’ve not heard here before. Yesterday, when a guest was getting ready to leave my guest and I were commenting on the bird call and speculating on what it might be. A bit like a whip bird, but not quite. As we…
Darter (snake) bird
My husband and I went for a picnic lunch on Saturday at Lilydale Lake Park. He’d not been there before, it was a lovely day and I wanted to go for a drive. There weren’t any available seats in the shade and we had one seat in the car so poor hubby had to sit…
Signs of Autumn
I’m loving seeing the signs of Autumn on its way. Our Liquidamber trees have leaves with changing colours and I’ve noticed many other different trees in our area with leaves turning mainly yellow, but some with orange as well. Of course, if you weren’t looking for it, you wouldn’t notice as most of the leaves…
The antics of the Cockatoo
Late yesterday afternoon we had a storm sweeping in – thunder, some lightening, lots of rain and some wind. The cockatoos had decided to settle in our oak and liquidamber trees and were making quite a racket as the rain got heavier. I stood underneath our verandah to watch them and their silly antics. One…
Leaving the station
The train is finally ready to leave the station and all the passengers have been told to get back on board. The station master rang his bell and called out that very familiar call ‘Allllllll abooooarrrrd!’ The train driver checks one last time before climbing back into his cabin to take the train out of…
The steam train comes in
Not long after we had our lunch, the first of the steam trains came rolling in. A big black steam engine. Note how people love to sit in the carriages behind – with their legs hanging out. A popular thing for young people. The train stayed in the station for about 20 mins, waiting for…
Visiting Menzies Creek
While waiting for the trains to arrive, and before having our lunch, Graham went off to view an old boiler on an old track, and nearby an old carriage was on view. Have you subscribed to this blog? Subscribe to Dandenong Ranges Photography by Email
A visit to Menzies Creek
Graham and I went for a drive on Sunday to explore the area near which we live. It was a pleasant day, not too hot, nor too cold, reminiscent of an Autumn’s day, although officially Autumn isn’t here yet (only a couple of weeks away). We decided to visit Menzies Creek Puffing Billy Station as…