We have a few different grevilleas coming out now and that means all the honey-eaters, large and small, are starting to hang around more. These are just a couple of them.
The colour white
Everywhere you look in our garden at the moment, there is the colour white. Don’t know if this was by design of the previous owners of our home, or by accident. Our plum tree is going to burst into blossom very soon. We’ve been watching it every day as we open our bedroom curtains. At…
New Holland Honeyeater
While out and about exploring my neighbour’s garden the other day (I love to explore hers as well as ours. She’s an elderly neighbour recovering from a hip operation and can’t be out there much so is happy for me to wander around and keep an eye on it for her), I noticed some New…
Eastern Spinebill and Grevillea
I mentioned the Grevillea in my post yesterday on the Protea. Today I have shots of an Eastern Spinebill which is a small honey-eater, enjoying a Grevillea flower in our front garden. I can watch these from our office window but to get a good close up shot I have to be outside and much…
Proteas in flower
We have a small number of proteas in our garden. I had thought these are Australian natives but it seems their origin is from South Africa. Proteas are a common sight here in Australia in many places. I’m afraid I don’t know the names of these but thought you might like to see them. Like…
Winter flowers
We’re in the last part of winter now. By all accounts it’s been a very wet winter here in Victoria, Australia and quite cold too. Graham hasn’t been able to mow the lawns as the ground is so sodden, his ride-on mower would sink. This morning it was still only 6C at 8am and walking…
Nature images blog carnival
Welcome to the August 7, 2012 edition of nature photography. Below are posts from various contributors towards our Nature Blog Carnival. Please do visit each one and I encourage you to leave comments on those posts that you relate to, and let them know how you found them. If you’re a nature photographer, would like…
Missing in action
So sorry I’ve not been around. Many of you won’t know that a daughter of ours had a serious accident last weekend resulting her being in a critical condition on life support in the ICU at Royal Melbourne Hospital. Just yesterday she woke from an induced coma and has begun talking to us, in a…
Playtime in the paddock
The sun was out today for awhile. It was very cold and windy so I rugged up warm before venturing out. I needed to check the sheep’s water and after filling it up, went for a walk in the paddock below the sheep’s pen. The girls (mum and lamb) decided to follow me. The grass…
New visitor to our garden: Common Bronzewing
Haven’t seen one of these in the garden before. I noticed what looked like a very fat pigeon on top of our pergola and when I went outside to get a closer look I discovered it was a Common Bronzewing. I’ve seen them at Lysterfield Park, but not here. These are from the pigeon family…
New Holland Honeyeater
The New Holland Honeyeater have begun showing up in the garden again. They are mostly black and white, with a large yellow wing patch and yellow sides on the tail. It has a small white ear patch, a thin white whisker at the base of the bill and a white eye. This honeyeater is an…
More winter flowers
We’re starting to get a few flowers out now as winter progresses. I’m excited about this as I wanted to build up colour in my garden, all year round, and am finally beginning to achieve this. The orchids were hidden under the ginger plant and had thrown out a very long stalk just to get…