Went to the Rhododendron Gardens on Tuesday with a friend and a group of photographers from the club I belong to. We split up and went in different directions. My friend and I headed down towards the lake and then found the Lyrebird Walk. We had heard one calling so was hoping we would see…
Items available for Christmas and New Year
I’ve been trying to get my shop established on the site here so you can buy direct from the website, but while I try to get that sorted you can view a number of items at my Etsy store instead. I know that people have been visiting recently after having seen my stall at the…
Wilson Botanical Park
I went to a ‘new’ park late last week with a friend from the Bird Forum that I belonged to. I had no idea this park existed. Unlike Lysterfield, the park is very much a designer park with lawns and man made lakes and paths. It also has a bird hide. It is really lovely…
Horsefield’s Bronze Cuckoo
I’m getting to recognise when there is a bird sound I haven’t heard before. I’ll go outside in search of it, camera always in hand. This one my husband and I could hear from our office out the front of the house but it took me awhile to find it. It was well disguised amongst…
Australian King Parrot
I heard a bird calling in our front yard and knew it was an Australian King Parrot. They’ve been hanging around a lot lately. A family of them. This is a grown male. He watched me put seed in the feeder (the reason he was calling I’m sure) and then just sat and watched me…
Aussie Birds Video Clip
Thought I’d share with you a clip that shows at my favourite bird forum. It shows some Australian birds, some well known, some not so. I know most of them and they show in this order: Tawny Frogmouth chick, White Cockatoo, Willie Wagtail, Rainbow Lorikeet, Australian Laughing Kookaburra, Duck, Bush Turkey, unknown small bird, Black…
Fresh from the press!
Just arrived today. 2013 Calendars featuring the Dandenong Ranges in Victoria, Australia. Retailing for $19.95 they are made from good quality paper and each image would look great framed after the year has finished. All images are taken in this region, some from my very own gardens or very nearby. Why not get your order…
Rainbow Lorikeet pays a visit
In line with my recent bird posts, this one is about the Rainbow Lorikeet. We first saw them here our first summer, when the fig tree was in fruit (2010) but haven’t seen them since. So I was delighted when last week I looked out my dining room window and there’s one in the liquidamber…
Little Brown Birds
I belong to the Birds in Backyards forum and this past week we’ve been focusing on LBBs or Little Brown Birds. We’ve all be posting images of little brown birds we’ve taken. Here are my submissions to the group. This is probably my favourite of the Eastern Spinebills I’ve taken. And some singing wrens And…
Kookaburra on our fence
I mentioned yesterday about the kookaburra in our neighbour’s yard. This one was in our front garden, on our fence. They love to watch for worms on the ground. I wonder how they can actually see them. It’s really amazing. When the weather gets warmer they’ll also be on the look out for skinks and…
Australian Laughing Kookaburra
We have three kookaburras living on our property and many others that visit us or our neighbour’s property. I love that I can get quite close to them, talk to them and watch them. They are lovely birds. This one was in my neighbour’s yard a few days ago and watched me as I moved…
More on the tulips
A few more images for you to enjoy! I’ve got several in bloom at home now, although just a small number 🙂