Our figs suddenly ripened a week ago. We were thinking they weren’t going to this year round. We’d had a long hot dry summer and we hadn’t watered the tree, or most of our garden, wanting to preserve our water as we live on tank water. We got some rain, wind and sun in the…
Autumn in the Ranges
Autumn is here once again. My favourite time of year. Warmish days, cooler nights, beautiful imagery. The flowers, the changing tree colours, beautiful sunrises and sunsets, lovely scenery all round. It really is a picturesque place to live and I love it here in the Dandenong Ranges. We have autumn flowers coming out now and…
Have you missed me?
Since returning from my holiday in January this year, life has been full on and very, very busy. I’ve had little time to blog although I have been taking photos still, but not every day. Must be the first year in the past 4 years when I haven’t been outside every day taking photos. However,…
On the front cover!
Delighted to advise that one of my images now adorns the front cover of the Greater Eastern Region Yellow Pages, here in Victoria, Australia. It’s one of 10 winners of the Capture the Cover competition for my region. It’s the one of the Puffing Billy (Steam Train) on the Trestle Bridge below. The book will…
Beautiful Sunset in Selby
I’ve been very busy since coming back from holidays and when I checked this blog found that something had gone awry with the theme template. Will have to fix it over the weekend. But it won’t stop me from posting as I need to get back into it. Thought I’d share with you this most…
Most popular photos for 2012
I thought I’d share with you some of my most viewed photos at Flickr.com where I host a lot of images. I’m taking a break for a couple of weeks and might upload some images during that time. While I will be out and about with my camera I’m not planning on spending a lot…
Visit to Lilydale Lake
I went to Lilydale Lake the other day and had a wander around the lake. Had a huge white bird fly over my head from behind me. Wish I knew it was coming otherwise I would have been ready to take shots but I didn’t. 🙁 Was looking the other way. Below is a Darter…
Tawny Frogmouths
I got an excited phone call a couple of mornings ago from a neighbour. In her back garden were three Tawny Frogmouths and she wanted me to come over straight away and take some photos. Of which I did. Beautiful birds and you can see, from their colouring and some of their strange poses, how…
Looking at sunsets
Have had some really beautiful and vibrant sunsets here the past few nights. I’ve had to go to the neighbour’s place as she has a back deck that looks out towards the horizon with far less trees in the way than what we have. Here are just three shots to give you an idea of…
Beautiful Rainforest
I love the drive up to Monbulk from my place. And particularly so, when it’s misty and wet. The colours are so vibrant and the scenery so beautiful. I hope these images can give you just a glimpse of what I see on a regular basis. It is such a lovely area, driving through Sherbrooke…
Two young Lorikeets
The other day I heard a couple of Rainbow Lorikeets in our garden and went and tracked them down. I trod carefully as they’re usually flighty and take off really quickly. But these two were curious and stuck around. They were smaller than most I’d seen and I came to the conclusion they were youngsters….
More ducks at the wetlands
Below, in order are: White-eyed Duck (Hardhead Aythya australis) Chestnut Teal (Male) Chestnut Teal (Female) Dusky Moorhen, I loved how you could see its feet paddling under the water