It never ceases to amaze me the varieties, colours and styles of birdlife that there is. And here in Australia, we certainly have an abundance of them. I love discovering ‘new’ ones and getting shots of them. My normal approach is to get a shot, even if distant, just so I can say I’ve taken…
Beautiful Serendip Sanctuary
Being introduced to this sanctuary on such a beautiful spring day was just perfect. It showed off the place in the best possible way. It was so serene and beautiful and uniquely Australian. If you’ve never visited Australia, or have only visited our cities, then you are truly missing out on the beauty and splendour…
Cape Barren Goose
I’d not seen any of these close up before, but at Serendip Sanctuary there are quite a few there. They even have a breeding area. During one walk-in area there was a mother with its goslings, very cute. And in a more open area with wetlands there were several there, with one having a heated…
A visit to Serendip Sanctuary
On Sunday a small group of photographers went to visit Serendip Sanctuary which is a 227 ha protected area for birds and animals. I’d not heard of it before but am so glad I visited. Such a beautiful place and the weather was lovely for our visit. We are all keen bird photographers so this…
Crested Terns
While at Ricketts Point on Saturday I noticed a number of birds perched on rocks out beyond the rock pools. One of the other photographers headed out that way, his focus was on other things rather than the birds. They all took off into the air and headed in my direction, which was really nice…
Photowalk at Ricketts Point, Beaumaris
Have you heard of Meetup? A great site that is an avenue for organising tons of meetups between people with similar interests. I belong to four different photography meetup groups, two of which I am co-organiser for. On Saturday just gone the other co-organiser planned a photography meet up to take place at Ricketts Point,…
2014 Calendars of Dandenong Ranges Images
If you run a business are you planning to produce a calendar for your clients and colleagues? I’ve received an order from a local mechanics shop for 100 calendars to give to his clients and staff. He’s picked out images from my Dandenong Ranges Calendar Collection. If you’d like to do the same, please get…
Great Cormorants and Little Black Cormorants
So my last post talked about a family of Cormorants. Well, it seems, they were two different types of cormorants. The Little Black Cormorant below and, at the bottom, the Great Cormorant. There is definitely a difference in size when you see them together, but not a massive difference. They enjoyed being together. This morning…
More birds for the Gallery
I’ve been building up a Gallery of the bird life I find in a couple of parks not far from my home. Birdsland Reserve, funnily enough, not named for its inhabitants, but rather for the family that used to own the land, by the name of ‘Bird’, and secondly Lysterfield Park. You’ll find the two…
While in the city…
we ventured upon a fashion parade in the city square. It was for the Lord Mayor’s Student Welcome. Naturally we all stopped to try our hands at model photography.
A walk through Melbourne
While on the photowalk a few weeks ago we wandered along lanes, inside malls and explored the architecture, the people, the atmosphere. Here are some of the architectural views I took.
Visiting the city
Been a busy month this month and while I’ve been taking photos I haven’t always had time to go through them and process them all. Hoping to catch up on that this weekend. In the meantime, thought you might like to see a shot I took on a photowalk in Melbourne earlier in the month….