Another shot of that noisy pair of birds.
Rainbow Lorikeets in my yard
This noisy chatty couple were on the power lines just outside the front of my house recently. I had wondered what all the excitement was and went outside to see these two chatting and could hear many more of their kind in trees in other gardens. I was quick to change my camera lense so…
Over the past couple of months I’ve been visiting both Birdsland Reserve (before the recent bushfires) and Lysterfield Park, Victoria, Australia. The next few posts are of Kookaburra I saw in these parks.
Cats in the office
You know when it’s cooler weather as they all congregate in the office instead of being outside or on the tiled floors. Thankfully we have enough chairs in the office to accommodate them all! I’ve been experimenting with PS Elements and found I could do a collage! Top one is Toki on my visitor’s chair,…
The Horse Whisper
Whispering sweet nothings or saying something else? They were stopped at traffic lights in the city recently.
Talking Horses
I saw these in the city waiting to get going. They looked like they were having a conversation with each other.
Flower variety
I’m experimenting with this new blog template to see what works best when uploading images for you to view. I’m open to suggestions and comments from anyone who is familiar with this template. In the meantime, I hope you enjoy what you are viewing.