More autumn colours in Victoria, Australia.
Rosella in the park
Another rosella in the park, this time on the ground looking for any crumbs or leftovers or anything else to eat.
Eastern Rosellas
At Ferntree Gully Park, near 1,000 steps, these birds forage on the lawns and hang around for leftovers from picnics. They allow you to come fairly close before calling out to each other and taking off.
Tip for Photographers wanting to sell their images
I saw this great tip the other day relating to the sale of your photos. It was so simple I don’t know why I’d not thought of it myself. But let me share the article with you: “You may think that you have to be some professional photographer or a photographer with 20 years of…
What are you looking at?
At Ferntree Gully Park, near the 1,000 Steps we heard the Sulphur Crested Cockatoos constantly screeching. Above us this one stopped long enough for me to get a good look. The 1,000 Steps is connected to the Kokoda Trail and has memorial plaques and stones along the pathway and information on how difficult the Kokoda…
Sun on the water
I loved the sunlight on the water and this photo probably doesn’t do it enough justice but thought I’d share it anyway. Lysterfield Lake Park is truly a beautiful place to visit and a very popular family picnic area, as well as popular with the mountain bikers who congregate there every weekend. No wonder they…
More Kangaroos
There were a lot of roos grazing on this particular day in the park. Here’s a couple more.
Kangaroo in the park
I think this lovely lady was as surprised as I was when I rounded the corner and we came face-to-face… well almost! She was a few metres from me and wouldn’t turn around so I could show you the joey she had in her pouch. I had interrupted her eating – you can see the…
Beautiful day at the park
As you can see it was a beautiful day at the park, clear blue sky, beautiful blue water and so early in the morning not many people around. I got to enjoy this place in solitude.
On the end of the Pier
I startled this cormorant as I came to the end of the pier but was able to grab a couple of shots before it flew off.
Wren in the park
This cute little fella was hiding in the bushes but I was able to view him through my zoom lens. It is a wren and looks like it could be young as its feathers look quite fluffy. Isn’t he cute?
Lysterfield Lake and Moorhens
The Moorhens were clucking loudly as I walked towards the lake. I’d not seen so many in one place together before. The dam wall is in the background.