This beautiful bird was on a feeder outside the window of the Kallista Tea rooms when we visited on Mother’s Day.
Flame Robin at Karkarook Park
As I wandered around with camera in hand a couple with 3 dogs came towards me. The lady asked if I was taking pictures of pretty birds and when I said ‘yes’ she pointed back along the path they’d travelled and told me of a bird with a bright red chest and black back. So…
More at Karkarook Park
It was so peaceful and tranquil at the park and only a small number of people there. The birds were gathered in numbers and content.
Visit to Karkarook Park
Recently I drove past a park beside a main road near home and realised I’d never visited there before. So I decided I would leave early one Friday morning and get there to see what bird life was at the wetlands before the day had progressed too far. The photos for the next few days…
A study of ducks
Spreading and flapping its wings in the water I couldn’t resist getting sequential shots! This is the last of this particular series on ducks.
A study of ducks
Contentment is what I think of when I see the top photo. That duck didn’t move once although there were several of us milling around. The other was just checking us out before returning to the water.
A study of ducks
These ducks were not that shy and happily came to see if the photographers had anything to give them but once they were satisfied we have nothing to offer they would take back off into the water.
Taking aerial pictures
I was reading a photoblog just recently and there was a great tip there about getting a flight so you can take aerial shots. There is a small aerodrome not far from my home. Perhaps I should make this one of my Friday photoshoot trips! Re the article here.
A study of ducks
This duck almost looks like it has two heads – I loved the reflection in these images.
A study of ducks
A study of ducks
Three ducks in a row. I visited Basterfield Park in Victoria one fine Sunday morning and these images and those for the next few days are from that park.
Shades of Autumn
It’s currently Autumn (Fall) in Australia and the leaves are changing colour and look glorious, don’t you think? A few more weeks and the trees will be looking bare.