Do you like the photos you’ve been seeing here? Have you seen any you’d like to have a copy of – either in digital or print format? Well, now you can. I’ve been researching sites available to photographers for the purpose of providing images for sale. And I wanted to be able to provide those…
The Rocky Mountaineer on its journey
We went through barren land, mountains, alongside rivers and lakes, through lush fields and saw glaciers and snow. In two days we covered a lot of countryside – all types of countryside.
Inside tunnels – the Rocky Mountaineer
We went through several tunnels. This first one has rock slides above the track to keep rocks from off the track – instead they slide down a slope into the lake. The train was quite long and the tracks quite curvy which gave me many opportunities for taking photos of the train.
Inside the Rocky Mountaineer
The Rocky Mountaineer has a carriage at the back that has two levels – the bottom being the dining car and the top being the viewing deck. It is from here that I took the previous photo and the next few I’ll be sharing with you.
Rocky Mountaineer
We spent two days on this train viewing amazing scenery. And it looks like I’m train surfing, doesn’t it? 😉
Sea Princess in Glacier Bay
I’m told that this is a rare incident and the first the tour director on the ship had ever witnessed, although she’d heard about it happening a couple of times previously. Two ships entering near the ‘S’ bend in Glacier Bay. Naturally I was there with my camera to record the passing of another ship…
Glacier and Mountain
My photos do not do justice to the beauty of the sites we saw but I hope it gives you an inkling of how wonderful the scenery was.
Stellar Sea lion
This sea lion’s home is in Glacier Bay, Alaska and it watched us (on the ship) warily before deciding to slip into the water.
Calving Glacier
We were told that witnessing this type of event is quite special and rare in many glaciers but in Glacier Bay it is apparently something that is seen on every cruise. Our ship turned 360 degrees for about 15 mins or so, so that every passenger could get a good view – and lots of…
Seen this afternoon
Pardon the break in the Canadian/Alaskan shots but I was out in Selby this afternoon and couldn’t resist taking a picture of this Kookaburra in a gum tree (yes, to my overseas readers, that song is about a real bird and tree).
Glacier Bay Mountains
Just one of the many hundreds of mountain/glacier views we saw on our trip. This is in Glacier Bay, Alaska
Niagara Falls
On my recent trip to Niagara Falls I took a lot of photos – there were so many views to see it from. I was amazed at the volume of water – simply unseen here in Australia.