There were mainly Eastern Greys in the area but I did see this Red buck with his family. Each family had 3-4 roos in it – at least from what I could see and they were in different parts of the park.
More kangaroos
I love wandering around Lysterfield Lake Park early in the day. It’s fresh, there is still dampness in the air and on the ground, everything is looking so green at the moment and the animals haven’t disappeared into the bush as yet.
More cormorants
We pick up from yesterday’s post when the cormorant spied me and his friends began to leave the pier, one by one.
On the pier
These cormorants were enjoying the early morning sun until they realised they had company and eventually, one by one, left the pier. woops, I’ve been seen!
Seen at Lysterfield Park
I took a walk along Mahogany Track to see if I could see any different birdlife. But I was soon interrupted by this team of MTB riders. My husband is the second from the front and thought I should have taken a photo of them as they were coming towards me. So I thought I’d…
I've got the ball!
My first SLR
It was either 1979, or 1980. Can’t remember which but it was when I had a young baby and wanted to take decent photos as that baby grew up. We heard about a second-hand Pentax 35mm for sale and bought it. It was an excellent camera and I took really good shots with it for…
Look cat, whose desk is this anyway?
Seems he thinks it’s his! Smokey is a ragdoll cat, very placid, adorable and cheeky.
Cat in the office
This is another one of my cats. Shadow decided he wasn’t getting enough attention so thought that lying on my paperwork might help. He got my attention by producing the camera and taking a couple of shots of him – don’t think that’s what he really wanted though!
More of the Moorabbin Rams at play
Moorabbin Rams in play
Rams Rugby League
I was invited to go shoot some photos of the Moorabbin Rams in action at a rugby game and to also take team and individual photos. As I am always keen for photo opportunities I was happy to accept and went along Saturday just gone. These next few days I’ll share some of photos with…