This is the Gray Jay and we saw many of these in Canada on our travels.
Teepee by the road
Although the “Nation’s First People” in Canada no longer live in teepees, they still use them for promotional and marketing activities relating to their arts and crafts. This was seen beside the road as we drove through a reservation area.
Boats at White Rock
We spent an evening with friends at White Rock, B.C. and walked along the foreshore, enjoying the early summer evening together. Couldn’t resist taking this pic.
Falling water
Our travels in Canada brought us past hundreds of waterfalls and every now and then I’d be close enough to get a good shot of them. This one was when we were on the Rocky Mountaineer.
Professional Sites for Photographers
I’ve been trying out a number of sites with a view to finding one that suits my needs. Ultimately I’d like to be able to offer digital downloads and print copies of photos here in Australia. Redbubble provides the latter but not the former. Snapfish provides products such as mugs but not digital downloads. At…
Wait for me!
This little duckling was making sure it didn’t get left behind. Seen in a pond near a hotel we stayed at in Canada
Whistler Bikes
In the winter it’s a ski resort, but in the summer Whistler is a MTB destination and they have lots of bikes for rent!
Cormorant drying off
Spied this cormorant drying off at Lysterfield Lake recently.
Ole 52
This train was the original steamtrain in the goldrush days of Alaska. Name ‘ole 52’.
Skagway train
This is the tourist train in Skagway and it took us on some pretty spectacular tracks in the mountains.
Beautiful sound in Lysterfield Park
I heard the most beautiful birdsong as I walked through the park last Saturday and it took me ages to find the owner of the sound. A small yellow bird, I have no idea what it is. And I had to wait awhile but finally managed to get a clear shot of it between the…