Butterflies in Canada
We visited the Butterfly Conservatorium in Niagara, Canada last June so these last few pics were taken there.
Finding your niche as a photographer
I participate in a number of photography forums – what better way to learn a new skill or craft than to mix and mingle with others already doing what I want to do. Someone posted a question asking how do they find their niche? This was my answer to them: I’m relatively new to DSLR…
Butterflies in Canada
Emu at the zoo
Any for me?
We were attending a birthday party at Lysterfield Park and this crow was waiting for any tidbits he could get.
What are you doing?
This little fella flew up to me, and then settled on the ground nearby – almost as though he was trying to work out what I was doing. Then he took off again after I took his photo.
MTB racers getting 'air'
It’s always fun watching riders get ‘air’ as they go over the jumps. It’s even more fun trying to catch it on camera at just the right moment!
A rider from Castlemaine MTB
Troy Bailey is probably one of the more well known riders at these races. We see him every time we are at one. Below are some photos of him in action.
Get Drop Box
I’ve recently discovered DropBox when viewing another photographer’s website. Great tool although I’m still learning to use it. But you can sync it with your computer and have images automatically update in the photo sharing folder which has a viewing gallery so others can see your photos. Seems to work quite well but there are…
The face says it all!
When you’re at these MTB races you certainly see some interesting face expressions! These are a small selection from the Castlemaine MTB race last Sunday.
Castlemaine MTB
I was at the Castlemaine Mountain Biking race on the weekend, supporting my husband and his team, as always. However, now I have my camera the guys see more of me on the track as I take their photos than they do of me in their tent manning the station. If you would like to…