Do you live in or near the Dandenong ranges? Autumn is my favourite season – still some warmth in the day, cooler nights, and with it changing colours in our trees and gardens. Truly a paradise in this area and I love it. I am building a garden (botanic) portfolio and I invite you to…
Sunrise over Mt Dandenong
I was photographing an event one morning this week and when I looked out the window the sun was just peeking over the distant hills. I love the hint of rays in the shot too. This is looking toward Mt Dandenong, Victoria. The quote is something the guest speaker said that morning and I figured…
Australasian Darter Birds
I really enjoy walking at Birdsland Reserve, in Belgrave. Always something to see, no matter the time of day. I’m usually there as the sun is rising and hits the lakes, roughly about 40mins after official sunrise. Lots of birdlife, beautiful lakes and bush life. Occasionally a kangaroo, haven’t yet seen an echidna yet. One…
2016 Calendar now available
The calendar is now available for 2016. Featuring images from around the Dandenong Ranges, including the Puffing Billy, Birdsland Reserve, Alfred Nicholas Gardens and other popular sights. Retailing for $19.95AUD plus postage. Click here to place your order.
Sharing a love of postcards
I have been writing blogposts but not in my usual category. I’ve created a new one called Postcards and it is linked in the menu of my site. So it won’t be going out through my normal email feed. For almost a year now I’ve been a member of and enjoying receiving postcards from…
Eastern spinebill in salvia
I’ve been away on holidays overseas and it’s taking me awhile to get through all the photos I took. However, I’m back to taking local photos now too. This is an eastern spinebill in salvia in our garden. I love seeing the birds here all year round, even in winter, enjoying what our garden has…
Postcard passion
July 2014 I was introduced to I am a keen gardener, as well as a photographer, and learnt that a fellow gardener was into postcards in a big way. So much so, that she belonged to a postcard swapping site – Postcrossing. She showed some of the postcards she’d just received that week, from…
Barbara Gabogrecan, President, Home Based Business Australia
“As an artist of Australiana, I often depend on good photos of Australian wildlife for my silk painting. Not only does Kathie provide brilliant photos, but her ability to capture the strength of colour and indeed the idiosyncacies of the various wild life, is something special.”
Stuart Campbell
“I have known Kathie for many years and she has a habit of working hard and succeeding in whatever she puts her hand to. Firstly, as Australia’s leading Virtual Assistant, as an author of Worth More Than Rubies and now as a photographer. Her photography beautifully captures the essence of the Dandenongs and the wildlife…
Sally K Witt
“Kathie is an amazing photographer She exhibits incredible patience to get the right shot. Her creativity knows no bounds, and she can be dramatic or subtle – depending on the subject. I highly recommend Kathie in any capacity!”
Puffing Billy Race 2015
It’s becoming an annual thing for me now, to photograph the Puffing Billy Race in May, here in Selby close to home. Last year I went to the Menzies Creek crossing and had to handle an umbrella while taking shots too, but this time round the weather was just perfect with a slight breeze and…