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One of the great things with being outside every day with a longer lens is that I’m discovering birdlife I didn’t know existed, let alone on our own property. The two bird identifier posters in our dining room, left by the previous owners, have been great for my bird ID education. This is a silver-eye,…
White Butterfly
I have a new 70-300mm lens and am trying it out. I think I’m going to have to start using my monopod or tripod more – I’ve always found them cumbersome to walk around with. Anyway, learning to keep more still and hold it but it is longer and heavier than my other lens.
Birdwatching and what it entails
I’m learning a lot with my bird watching expeditions this year. Some of those expeditions have been away from home and others in the scrub at the back of our property. Here is what I’ve learnt, in no particular order. Wear neutral or earth tone colours, not bold bright colouring. You need to blend into…
Noisy Minah watching me
This Noisy Miner was watching me while I was waiting at the train station to pick up my husband one evening. By the way, I ID most of my birds via the Birds in the Backyard website – very useful!
Shall I or Shan't I?
This Currawong watched me from the large Camelia Bush in the backyard and must have decided I was safe. He flew down onto the lawn and carefully edged toward a chopped up pear core (thrown there for that reason) and grabbed it, all the while keeping a watchful eye should I decide to move from…
Australian Icon on Australia Day
Today is Australia Day, a public holiday here in Australia with barbeques, Australia Day Honours Ceremonies the country wide and people just enjoying the Australian Summer. This photo was taken at Lysterfield Lake Park and is a Grey Kangaroo.
Spider spinning web
Spied this spider spinning a web across our driveway. I managed a shot of it before my husband redirected its web spinning over the garden instead.
Eastern Spinebill
And just one more shot of this beautifully marked bird.
Eastern Spinebill
This is the most common way to see this bird – upside down!
Eastern Spinebill
It’s taken me many weeks but I’ve finally successfully got pictures of this small bird as it flits around our garden.
Carpet Rose
I have developed a love of roses and am slowly building up a garden section dedicated to all sorts of roses. This one is a carpet rose, i.e. it is a ground cover.